Tag Archives: RNC

Going to wait for nominee

Running a blog allows me to make command decisions without consulting with another human being … so I have done that very thing.

I have decided to wait until Thursday night to watch the Republican National Convention that will send Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance off to battle against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The RNC has nothing to offer me until the nominees take the microphone.

Why wait? Well, Trump says he’s rewriting his acceptance speech, crafting a document he says will stress unity.

Hmm. Do you believe him? Well, in truth neither do I.

But I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt simply by waiting to hear what the GOP nominee says when he takes the stage.

I am sure the delegates and many TV viewers will be emotionally charged when they see Trump, injured in that assassination attempt over the weekend. I won’t be caught up in the emotion of the moment, but I will be caught up in the context, tone and tenor of his remarks.

Trump has crafted his political career around rhetoric that seeks to divide Americans. He’s been good at it, too. I’ll give him plenty of credit for the success he has enjoyed.

How does he change gears, shift direction and come at us with a unification speech? Beats the daylights out of me.

I also am dubious on two other points: that he’ll actually deliver a unity speech and on whether he will be faithful to that promise in the rare probability that he does deliver it.

J.D. Vance: ‘Never Trumper’ runs with Trump

J.D. Vance’s decision to run with Donald Trump is an eye-opener to be sure.

The freshman U.S. senator from Ohio — whose public service career spans the two years he has served in the Senate — once called himself an irrevocable “never Trumper.” He sounded pretty solid when he made that declaration in front of TV cameras.

Now he’s in Trump’s camp. All the way, he indicates. So, Trump chose him to run as VP on a GOP president ticket led — for the third straight election cycle — by Donald Trump.

It’s not that the GOP field of VPOTUS hopefuls lacked candidates who at one time or another spoke ill of the presidential nominee. So did Sen. Marco Rubio, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. Tim Scott. They were passed over for Vance.

I don’t know what to make of this selection. If Trump follows past patterns, he’ll sing Vance’s praises until Vance says or does something that displeases Trump. Then he’ll become the “worst human being ever to walk the Earth” …. or words to that effect.

Today’s odds suggest Trump is going to win the presidency. I am not going place that bet just yet. We still have some time to go. President Biden has his own convention to get through. He still has time to sharpen his daggers. Yes, he’s got that assassination attempt hanging over his temptation to resume recounting all the lies, the criminal activity for which Trump has been convicted and truckloads of negativity that accompany Trump wherever he goes.

Trump also reportedly is going to speak to the GOP convention to propose a theme of unity. I am going to hold my breath on that one. I do not expect him to follow the theme he is going to set.

What the hell … he might not even find unity between himself and the fellow he chose to run with him!

Will nominee show up at RNC?

Given what I believe is happening with regard to convicted felon Donald Trump’s post-conviction antics, it is fair to wonder about this possibility.

It is that the 45th POTUS might be unable to attend the Republican Party nominating convention that will launch his candidacy against President Joe Biden.

Trump is going to be sentenced for the conviction handed down by the jury in NYC on 34 counts relating to an illegal hush money payment to an adult film actress, Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels.

Sentencing occurs July 11. Four days later, GOP convention delegates will meet in Milwaukee to nominate Trump for another run for the White House.

Judge Juan Merchan has wide latitude here. He could sentence Trump to jail time; he could sentence him to probation. He could impose an immediate jail term; he could say Trump can wait several weeks before reporting to the slammer.

Suppose he gets jail time. Suppose the judge orders the 45th POTUS to report immediately to the hoosegow.

That means the GOP convention will nominate an individual who is in jail, serving time for felonies committed that sought to hide an extramarital tryst. Trump denies even knowing Clifford, let alone having sex with her in the hotel room years before running for POTUS in 2016.

He paid her 130 grand anyway. Go figure.

Oh, and he’s now been calling the judge a crook, the jury was rigged, the prosecutor was biased against him.

A judge usually looks for signs of contrition in criminal defendants. He is not getting a hint of it from this defendant.

Republican convention delegates, though, are blind to the reality that they are facing … that their next presidential nominee is a felon.

NBC pulls its head out

Just when I thought the world was going to hell, a major TV network has delivered the goods and thought better about a horrible hiring decision it had made.

NBC News withdrew its decision to hire former Republican Party chair Ronna McDaniel as an on-air political contributor.

I want to stand and cheer out loud! So … I will.

You see, NBC erred in hiring McDaniel after the former party chair had been complicit in the effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election; after she denied President Biden had been elected fairly; after she promoted The Big Lie put forth by the 2020 Republican Party presidential nominee.

She is far from just someone who once led a major political party. She is a purveyor lies and deception. That a TV network would put her on the air to offer political commentary was just too much to swallow. It drew tremendous blowback from its own employees and journalists everywhere.

The network today thought better of its own stupidity … and pulled Ronna McDaniel’s name off the table.

NBC makes a bad hire

Ronna Romney McDaniel once held the job as chair of the Republican National Committee, which by definition is a legitimate political occupation.

Were she just the RNC chair before NBC News hired her as a paid consultant, I would be fine with it, as would other journalists who today are howling like wolves at news of this hiring decision.

However, she brings some serious baggage to her new gig. You see, she also fomented the Big Lie put forth by the 45th president, who lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden but who has refused to accept his defeat in a free, fair and legal election.

Oh, there’s more to untangle in McDaniel’s background.

She also was a co-conspirator in the 1/6 assault on our government, calling the traitorous mob’s smashing of windows and threats against Vice President Mike Pence a form of “legitimate political discussion.”

McDaniel worked hand in glove with the outgoing administration to undermine the results of the election.

Now she is employed by a major television network as a “paid political consultant.” This is a travesty of the first order.

Veteran NBC journalist Chuck Todd took his network to task over the weekend, asking out loud whether McDaniel will be speaking for herself or for her employer. She has said she “took one for the team” by endorsing The Big Lie and only now says that Joe Biden is the legitimately elected president of the United States.

It’s one thing for a network to hire political contributors of varying points of view. Liberal-leaning networks have conservatives on the air frequently and conservative-leaning networks do the same with liberal commentators.

It’s quite another for a network to give credibility to a known liar and purveyor of hideous falsehoods.

Ronna McDaniel has no business offering points of view on matters where she has displayed a disgraceful willingness to lie to the public.

RNC loses will to fight

It is clear to me that the leadership of a once-great political party has lost its will to stand and fight for what it believes.

The Republican National Committee’s decision to bow out of future presidential debates — at the primary and general-election levels — has demonstrated to me that the party has been taken over by cowards.

Think of it. The titular head of the party, Donald J. Trump, is the former Coward in Chief. He bitched out loud during his term as president that the press is the “enemy of the people.” He yapped and yammered preparing for presidential debates with the fellow who beat him in 2020, Joe Biden, that the joint appearances were stacked against him.

Trump has managed to project his cowardice onto the leadership of the RNC, now led by Ronna Romney McDaniel. Here’s an example of how McDaniel shows her cowardly nature: She used to be proud to wear the name of her uncle, Mitt Romney; these days, because The Donald despises Romney, she has dropped the “Romney” from her name and now goes by Ronna McDaniel. It’s a little thing. Then again, it really isn’t.

Now the RNC has decided that it won’t rely on journalists to moderate future presidential debates. Its decision, therefore, to pull out of future events sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates — a non-partisan group — suggests it has swallowed the swill served by The Donald.

The nation has come to rely on these joint appearances to help voters make decisions on who is best suited to lead the country. And, yes, at times individuals emerge from these events whom no one expects. I am willing to argue that Donald Trump pulled off that very surprise during the 2016 presidential primary season.

So, what happened to The Donald? He lost re-election in 2020 and promptly blamed everyone else for his loss, ignoring the undeniable truth that the presidency he ran failed. He threw blame at the feet of the debate organizers.

Now we have the Republican National Committee continuing to adhere to the whims and machinations of the twice-impeached and defeated POTUS.

Cowards. All of ’em!


RNC concocts phony excuse

The Republican National Committee has voted unanimously to no longer take part in televised debates featuring the party’s presidential nominee, saying that past debates have been biased against the GOP.

What a crock!

The Commission on Presidential Debates has failed, according to the RNC, to enact reforms demanded by the likes of Donald Trump and other fruitcakes insisting on formats that they say would provide viewers/voters with important information about the candidates.

Again … pure horsesh**!

The RNC and its chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, are concocting phony excuses, looking for ways to manipulate the format to their party’s and their candidate’s liking.

As Reuters reported: “We are going to find newer, better debate platforms to ensure that future nominees are not forced to go through the biased CPD in order to make their case to the American people,” the committee’s chairperson, Ronna McDaniel, said in a statement.

Republican Party withdraws from U.S. commission on presidential debates (msn.com)

How do they define “bias”? I will wait with bated breath to see what the RNC has in mind. Perhaps the committee could provide some examples of the “bias” it says existed during previous debates that somehow infringed on its nominee’s ability to get his message delivered.

I am all ears.


Listen to Uncle Mitt, Ronna

Mitt Romney is as pure a Republican as anyone can find. The Utah senator carried his party’s presidential nomination banner in 2012 but lost to President Barack Obama in that year’s election.

So, when the distinguished lawmaker questions the wisdom of the Republican National Committee’s censure of two GOP lawmakers, it would do the party’s elite to rethink what they’ve done.

Mitt Romney’s niece, Ronna McDaniel, is chair of the Republican National Committee. Uncle Mitt said this about the censure, according to Business Inside:

Speaking at the US Capitol, Romney said the resolution condemning his fellow Republicans “could not have been a more inappropriate message.”

“One, to sanction two people of character as they did. But number two, to suggest that a violent attack on the seat of democracy is legitimate political discourse is so far from accurate as to shock and make people wonder what we’re thinking,” Romney said.

Mitt Romney says he ‘exchanged texts’ with his niece and RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel after RNC censure of Cheney, Kinzinger over January 6 investigation (msn.com)

Romney reportedly exchanged text message with his niece, suggesting the very thing he said at the Capitol Building.

Indeed, for the party to censure Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger because they want to seek the truth behind the 1/6 riot by itself is idiotic and illogical.

Moreover, for Chairwoman McDaniel to dismiss the riot as a show of “legitimate political discourse” ignores what the whole world witnessed on 1/6 in real time. It bore no resemblance to anything “legitimate.” It was a riot staged by a mob of thousands of traitors … incited by the fiery rhetoric of the cult leader who masqueraded as president of the United States.

Listen to Uncle Mitt, Ronna. He speaks with much more wisdom than the moron you are backing.


Law and order party? Hah!

There once was a time when Republicans across the country were proud of their party’s stand in support of police officers, police agencies and their quest to enforce the law in an orderly society.

Law and order? That was the Republican mantra. That was then. These days? This is the party that has just issued a censure punishing two GOP members of Congress and whose chairwoman has declared that the 1/6 riot on Capitol Hill was a demonstration of “legitimate political discourse.” The censured lawmakers — Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger — were slapped down because they are serving on a committee that seeks the truth and stands for the rule of law.

Oh, I now shall add that the treasonous insurrectionists attacked Capitol Police officers on Capitol Hill, injuring several of them, killing one of them.

Has the Republican National Committee condemned that act? Has it censured the rioters? Has it backed the congressional committee that seeks to find the truth behind what led to the riot, what happened during the event and how to prevent future events from occurring.

I damn near tossed something at the TV set this morning when I heard GOP Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas accuse Democrats of “politicizing” the riot of 1/6. Good ever-lovin’ God in heaven! The riot was a hideous political act that was aimed at stopping the certification of the 2020 presidential election.

What’s more, the traitors who stormed the Capitol Building trampled over police officers whose duty was to protect the members of Congress who were targeted by the mob!

Why in the name of enforcing the law don’t Republicans in Congress stand up for those men and women and against the traitors who sought to do them harm?

Law and order party? My rear end!


RNC boss is flat wrong on 1/6 riot probe

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has declared — incredibly! — that the probe into the 1/6 insurrection is a “Democrat-led” persecution of citizens exercising their constitutional right to protest their government.

Well … I’ll start by declaring that Chairwoman McDaniel couldn’t be more wrong if she declared the sun was going rise in the west tomorrow morning.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel says January 6 committee is a ‘Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse’ (msn.com)

The investigation aims to prosecute those who smashed into the Capitol Building, defecated on the floor, sought to “hand Mike Pence!” and do physical harm to Speaker Nancy Pelosi — all while seeking to block the certification of the 2020 presidential election result. They did all this in the name — and at the urging — of the nitwit who lost that election, Donald John Trump.

Now she and her RNC minions want to censure GOP Reps. Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney because they have joined the truth-seekers and have decided that Trump was wrong to incite the treasonous mob. They are rightfully outraged at the assault on our democracy and on the law enforcement officers who sought to protect the cowardly members of Congress who now refuse even to honor them with the Congressional Gold Medal.

What in the hell is the matter with the chairwoman?
