Tag Archives: JD Vance

Going to wait for nominee

Running a blog allows me to make command decisions without consulting with another human being … so I have done that very thing.

I have decided to wait until Thursday night to watch the Republican National Convention that will send Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance off to battle against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The RNC has nothing to offer me until the nominees take the microphone.

Why wait? Well, Trump says he’s rewriting his acceptance speech, crafting a document he says will stress unity.

Hmm. Do you believe him? Well, in truth neither do I.

But I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt simply by waiting to hear what the GOP nominee says when he takes the stage.

I am sure the delegates and many TV viewers will be emotionally charged when they see Trump, injured in that assassination attempt over the weekend. I won’t be caught up in the emotion of the moment, but I will be caught up in the context, tone and tenor of his remarks.

Trump has crafted his political career around rhetoric that seeks to divide Americans. He’s been good at it, too. I’ll give him plenty of credit for the success he has enjoyed.

How does he change gears, shift direction and come at us with a unification speech? Beats the daylights out of me.

I also am dubious on two other points: that he’ll actually deliver a unity speech and on whether he will be faithful to that promise in the rare probability that he does deliver it.