Tag Archives: Trump conviction

Will nominee show up at RNC?

Given what I believe is happening with regard to convicted felon Donald Trump’s post-conviction antics, it is fair to wonder about this possibility.

It is that the 45th POTUS might be unable to attend the Republican Party nominating convention that will launch his candidacy against President Joe Biden.

Trump is going to be sentenced for the conviction handed down by the jury in NYC on 34 counts relating to an illegal hush money payment to an adult film actress, Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels.

Sentencing occurs July 11. Four days later, GOP convention delegates will meet in Milwaukee to nominate Trump for another run for the White House.

Judge Juan Merchan has wide latitude here. He could sentence Trump to jail time; he could sentence him to probation. He could impose an immediate jail term; he could say Trump can wait several weeks before reporting to the slammer.

Suppose he gets jail time. Suppose the judge orders the 45th POTUS to report immediately to the hoosegow.

That means the GOP convention will nominate an individual who is in jail, serving time for felonies committed that sought to hide an extramarital tryst. Trump denies even knowing Clifford, let alone having sex with her in the hotel room years before running for POTUS in 2016.

He paid her 130 grand anyway. Go figure.

Oh, and he’s now been calling the judge a crook, the jury was rigged, the prosecutor was biased against him.

A judge usually looks for signs of contrition in criminal defendants. He is not getting a hint of it from this defendant.

Republican convention delegates, though, are blind to the reality that they are facing … that their next presidential nominee is a felon.

DOJ is the wrong target

Can we set the record straight while seeking to determine who is responsible for what cases? Sure, I’ll try …. not that it’ll do any good, given the numbskulls whose vacuous brains I need to probe.

Donald Trump is now a convicted felon. A jury of 12 of his peers delivered a stunning unanimous decision convicting him on 34 counts associated with his hush money payment to Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels. She and the former POTUS had a fling in a hotel room in 2006 and Trump paid her to keep quiet about an event he denies even occurred.

The jury believed her and not him. What does Trump do in response? He blames President Biden for bringing the case against him. He and his allies blame the Justice Department for “weaponizing” its resources to “get” the former POTUS.

He calls Judge Juan Merchon everything but the spawn of Satan. He says the judge is corrupt.

Let’s hold it for a moment. This case was brought by the state of New York. He was prosecuted by an elected district attorney who does not answer to the DOJ, let alone the president. This case was handled under the rule of law. It was done properly. The jury heard the evidence and then delivered its verdict.

I cannot help but wonder whether the former Liar in Chief is cutting his own throat by trashing the very judge who, on July 11, could sentence him to prison. The judge vows to follow the law.

However, he is a human being.

Mooch: Trump will ‘implode’

Anthony Scaramucci served briefly as communications director during Donald Truomp’s term as POTUS … so he professes, I presume, to have some sort of inside knowledge on the state of what passes for the former Liar in Chief’s mind.

The Mooch said this weekend that the former Philanderer in Chief is going to “implode” before the Nov., 5 election.

Someone will have to explain what occurs when someone implodes. I don’t know that Scaramucci, a lawyer by profession, can answer that medical/psychological question.

However, it does present an interesting scenario to ponder while the legal system continues to do its work on the former POTUS.

The 45th POTUS is playing the tough-guy card, telling us he’ll appeal the conviction handed down this week in the hush money case. Jurors deliberated about nine hours and then return a verdict that convicted the defendant on all 34 felony counts.

The ex-POTUS is entitled to appeal. I certainly don’t begrudge him from exercising his constitutional right to appeal this duly constituted decision by a jury of his peers.

But what does an implosion look like? He might begin spouting nonsense. He could physically attack a reporter who dares question him about how he feels being the only ex-president ever convicted of a crime, let alone multiple felonies.

The one-time big man seems considerably smaller now that he joins other convicted felons facing the prospect of jail time.

Does that cause an implosion? I’m willing to wait for it.

Conviction changes the game

A 34-count felony conviction of a former president of the USA enables us now to take a fresh look at the political depths to which this nation has sunk.

Donald Trump was found guilty this week — unanimously, by a jury in New York City — of illegally paying an adult film actress hush money to keep quiet about a tumble the two of them took in 2006. He said the event didn’t occur; she said it did. The district attorney’s office provided proof of a payment to the Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels.

So, the man seeking the Republican Party presidential nomination for the third election cycle in a row will seek that nod as a convicted felon. The party is likely to do little more than blink, wink and shrug at the prospect before anointing him as the party’s 2024 nominee.

The former moron in chief called the verdict “rigged.” He called the judge corrupt. He said he did nothing wrong but did “everything right.”

His supporters call the trial a “sham.” Let us remember one critical point: The jury of seven men and five women was cleared to hear the case by legal counsel on both sides. Yes, Trump’s team OK’d the 12 jurors selected for this historic task. That it delivered a decision not to their liking, though, gives them zero license to challenge the criminal justice system’s integrity.

Republican convention delegates will gather soon in Milwaukee to nominate their next presidential candidate. He’s the same individual who has denigrated a Vietnam War hero, a Gold Star family. a reporter with a physical handicap, who has admitted to committing sexual assault, who was impeached twice by the House and now is a convicted felon.

GOP delegates don’t give a damn about their candidate’s (lack of) character. If this idiot returns to the Oval Office, we are in far greater danger than many of us ever imagined.

More on conviction …

Fascinating, yes, how some folks are reacting to the New York jury ‘s unanimous decision to convict the former POTUS for illegally paying hush money to an adult film actress regarding a tryst the two of them had before he sought the presidency.

One reaction came to me in the form of a question, followed by a commentary. It reads: At any rate, I was wondering if Trump wins in November, will you accept that outcome? On an interesting note, it seems the sham conviction is giving Trump quite the boost.

Well …

OK, my first reaction is to not engage anyone who calls the verdict a “sham.” It was nothing of the sort. Jurors reached their decision in accordance with the rule of law. Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 felony counts and faces a possible prison sentence. He has the right to appeal, which he said he will do.

Would I accept a Trump victory in November? I’ll just say: Yes, I would if it comes cleanly and without any hint of “rigging.” I accept Trump’s 2016 victory. He achieved it according to the rules laid out in the Constitution. He garnered fewer popular votes than Hillary Clinton but won enough Electoral College votes to take the oath of office.

This particular critic of High Plains Blogger, though, tosses aside any notion of dialogue with me if he insists that the verdict is a “sham.”

Get a grip, dude.

Run, felon, run!

Two dates are staring the next Republican Party presidential nominee in his orange-hued face.

July 11, 2024 is the first date. New York District Juan Merchan has set that date as the start of a sentencing hearing for the former POTUS, who on Thursday was convicted on all 34 felony counts related to the hush money payment he made to an adult film actress.

Then it gets even hairier for the former Philanderer in Chief. On July 15, 2024, Republicans are likely to nominate the felon as their party’s next presidential candidate.

It has come down to this. Republicans now are relying on a man convicted of 34 felony counts to carry their party banner in the next election against an incumbent who defeated him four years ago. The defeated GOP nominee never had the good grace to accept defeat and to pledge cooperation with the new president … which Barack Obama did in 2016 when the ex-Liar in Chief won the election.

Do we live in a topsy-turvy world … or what?

I suggest we all hang on with both hands, because the ride is going to get seriously wild.