Category Archives: political news

Early vote shows early enthusiasm

Well, I did what many other Americans have dedicated themselves to doing and I voted early. Indeed, I \was among the first people lined up at the Princeton Municipal Center waiting anxiously to cast my ballot for a plethora of races on our lengthy ballot.

I haven’t normally done sort of thing, given my former distaste for voting early. I preferred to wait until Election Day to cast my ballot. Something in my inner self prompted me to vote early this year … so, I did.

I was heartened by the number of North Texans who were waiting. Everyone was quite glad to be there, awaiting their turn to perform this wonderful act of citizenship.

I won’t get into what partisan impact the early-voter turnout will have on our voting pattern. Analysts say Democrats prefer to vote early; Republicans prefer to wait until Election Day. I do not know how they can make that calculation. I had no feel for how my fellow early voters stand on the presidential race, which is as it should be.

Hey, it’s done. I am now going to block any further electronic correspondence I have been getting from those wanting me to spend money on their candidates’ campaign.

‘Election day’ arrives

Notice the quotation marks around the words “Election day,” and also notice I didn’t capitalize “day.”

It’s because the actual election day will be15 days from now. However, I am going to march into the belly of the beast sometime Monday to cast my ballots for a slew of candidates and issues along my lengthy ballot in Princeton, Texas.

I still cannot define with clarity why I have decided to break with the tradition of waiting until Election Day to cast my ballot. I won’t try.

I am just going to drive to the polling place and wait to cast my ballot. I am going to vote enthusiastically for a number of races, such as for president and the US Senate. I won’t belabor the points on why. You know why.

It’s a full ballot and none of the candidates with whom I am most familiar present any real threat of a candidate making a deal-breaking mistake between now and the day they count all the ballots. I will split my ballot among Democrats and Republicans.

I do enjoy the pageantry, such as it is, about Election day or Day. Indeed, I would support shutting down everything for Election Day, which this year falls on Nov. 5. Why not make casting our ballots for whom we want to lead us a national holiday?

That’s another story for another day.

A big day awaits tomorrow as Texas goes to the polls.

Harris enrages Trump’s base … good for her!

Vice President Kamala Harris is employing a politically risky strategy as she enters the home stretch in her bid to become the 47th president of the United States.

Oh, how I want this effort to pay off.

She is talking to Donald Trump-friendly media organizations and is telling their audiences the hard truth about their hero.

He is a weakling masquerading as a tough guy, she has said. Trump panders to dictators, seeking favors in return. Harris reminds her audiences it takes far more strength to build people up than to tear them down.

We all know what this will do to the MAGA base that continues to support this buffoon. It will rile ’em up, get ’em stoked, provoke the MAGA morons to levy threats.

The VP is banking on another outcome as well, that she will rile women around the nation who want to restore women’s reproductive rights, who have grown weary of Trump’s dark vision for the future of the country.

Kamala Harris is mining the depths of the electorate for Republicans who can be persuaded that Trump’s darkness has no place in a country that for centuries has been the source of eternal optimism.

You are aware of my bias. I’m all in on what Kamala Harris’s 11th-hour political strategy is seeking to do for her. May it serve to persuade others of the danger that Trump presents for the nation we all love.

We aren’t that dumb … are we?

I have been wrestling with a nagging notion ever since the campaign between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump began taking shape.

It goes something like this: Are American voters really and truly ready for forgive the actions of a candidate who vows to weaponize the Justice Department to get back at his foes? Are we really prepared to hand over the nuclear launch codes to someone who cherishes love notes from dictators intent on destroying this country? Do we really want to entrust the health and welfare of ;poor Americans to someone who doesn’t give a rat’s rear end about them?

If we are, then we’re in a world of hurt, man.

I don’t know whether Trump will be able to win this election. Late polling indicators are causing me some mild dyspepsia. The idea that Americans would embrace this clown — whom they fired four years by 7 million votes — simply boggles my noodle.

His recent lies about the government being unwilling to assist storm victims are laced with ignorance, buttressed by loathing of those victims.

Furthermore, as a veteran who was sent to Vietnam in the late 1960s, I resent viscerally his description of my fellow vets as “losers and suckers” who answered their country’s call to report for duty in a hostile-fire zone.

But that, too, is OK with many of the MAGA cultists who comprise the bulk of this guy’s base.

If this guy can pull this charade off … well, God help us.

Trump hits new low … again!

Donald Trump’s lying seemingly plunges into a bottomless pit, but hold on, because it’s likely nowhere near the bottom of the abyss.

As emergency services personnel in Georgia, and the Carolinas struggle mightily with rescue and recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Helene’s devastation, the Republican Party’s presidential nominee started fomenting the lie that the federal government is withholding resources to deliver to the struggling Americans.

Trump tossed despicable falsehoods contending that money that should have been spent on hurricane relief instead has gone to assist those who have entered the national illegally. The government lacks the money to provide help for hurricane victims, the numbskull nominee has alleged.

President Biden has called Trump out directly, accusing him of undermining relief efforts, of sowing fear among victims. Vice President Harris asked out loud “where is the empathy, the compassion?” that Trump should be exhibiting. I have an answer for the Democratic presidential nominee. Both traits are MIA, that Trump possesses neither of them!

And yet this idiot continues to draw cheers from the MAGA cultists over his profoundly stupid accusations.

Wait for more of the same rubbish to fly out of this nincompoop’s mouth. It is an endless array of lies that he has turned into some sort of perverted art form.

Dude is dangerous to the nth degree.

It’s laughable … but I am not laughing

Human beings cannot control how they look, as some of us are born to be attractive while others … are not.

We can, however, control our actions, some of which leave indelible marks on our past and which can haunt us for the rest of our lives on Earth.

So … when Donald Trump pokes fun at others’ appearance, I tend to leave that kind of crap alone, allowing it to stand as a statement of the Republican presidential candidate’s ignorance. When he declares out loud that he intends to be a “champion” for women’s rights, I have to guide us to what the public record already has delivered.

Trump recently made the “champion” remark at a rally. This comes from someone who has admitted to cheating on his wives, who’s been found liable in a sexual assault, who has admitted to groping women because he’s “famous,” who has used hideous language to denigrate women’s appearance; who once said his daughter is so hot that he’d date her if she wasn’t his daughter.

I shake my head out of disbelief and disgust.

Then this numbskull has the audacity to declare that he stands with women while vowing to be their protector.

The record is full of examples that demonstrate clearly that Trump is unfit to wear the noble title of Women’s Champion in Chief.

Whether to vote early

I am in the midst of an intense internal struggle between what I normally do during election season and what I am tempted to do for this one.

Do I vote early or do I wait until Election Day?

Readers of this blog know what I have said previously about early voting vs. waiting until Election Day to cast my ballot.  I have sought to avoid the unwelcome surprise that can occur between the day I vote early and Election Day voting. My candidate might mess up mightily, you know?

There is nothing on Earth that Donald Trump can do to win my vote. I have declared him unfit for public since long before scored that fluky win in 2016. I do not anticipate Kamala Harris doing anything to make me regret voting for her.

What about down-ballot races? I detest the Cruz Missile, the US senator named Ted Cruz. I also deeply admire US Rep. Colin Allred, who is challenging Cruz.

Do I sound like I am talking myself into voting early? Possibly.

I am going to wait a while longer before I decide.  This election will be safe and corruption free. The question for me is whether I want to know whether I am part of the trend when the polls close on Nov. 5, or whether I am swimming against the tide.

Counsel heaves new grenade into Trump’s lap

You just had to know that special counsel Jack Smith would have more to say about Donald Trump’s role in the Jan. 6 uprising.

Today, Smith delivered the goods in a stunning 165-page filing that chronicles what many with the government told Trump in advance of the assault on the government.

According to ABC News: Trump intentionally lied to the public, state election officials, and his own vice president in an effort to cling to power after losing the election, while privately describing some of the claims of election fraud as “crazy,” prosecutors alleged in the 165-page filing.

Do you get what Smith is suggesting? It is that Trump knew right after the 2020 election that he had lost to Joe Biden … but he insisted anyway on contesting the results of what has been described as the “cleanest election in U.S. history.”

Vice President Mike Pence told Trump the truth.  So did others within the Justice Department, his key campaign aides and advisers and others within the White House national security staff.

Trump blew it all off.

This filing only makes me return to a question I keep asking of my Republican friends, many of whom say they intend to vote for Trump this time around: How in the name of all that is righteous and holy can you vote for an individual who knowingly sought to commit a criminal act by overturning a legal, fair presidential election?

If only we could repeat this

The relatively brief nature of this presidential campaign has been refreshing in one critical aspect.

We have had little time to grow tired of the Democratic presidential nominee, given that she didn’t enter the contest until President Biden dropped out of it.

Of course, we cannot say the same of the Republican Party’s nominee, because we all know him too well. He’s been on the political scene only since the summer of 2015, but we knew about him beforehand by virtue of his TV show and his various high-profile social exploits.

Vice President Kamala Harris, if you believe the polls, has taken a slim — but growing — lead over Donald Trump. She is starting to apply even more pressure to Trump. Harris wants a second debate with him. To be honest, I don’t think a second debate is necessary, other than perhaps to enable her to finish off the former POTUS.

Trump actually said he won’t run again if he loses to Harris. To which I only can laugh. You see, this guy cannot tell the truth on any issue, on any level, at any time, or in any location.

We’re heading into the home stretch of a dramatically abbreviated campaign. For that I am grateful. The VP does represent a welcome change, even as she runs as the current vice president.

May she continue to tighten the vise around her foe and send him packing for the rest of his miserable life.

Once is enough for this clown

Kamala Harris has accepted CNN’s invitation to participate in a second presidential debate with Donald J. Trump.

Trump, though, said he isn’t going to do it. Once is enough, he reportedly said. You know what? I actually agree with the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. Americans do not need to know any more about this former POTUS, the serial liar, the ex-philanderer in chief.

We know that Trump is a fraudulent numbskull. We know he’s been convicted of 34 felony counts, that he stands indicted on more criminal counts. He’s been impeached twice already by the House of Representatives.

He has admitted to grabbing women by their genitals because he’s “famous” and can get away with it.

Vice President Harris delivered an old-fashioned whoopin’ to Trump in their earlier encounter. What more can he do to alienate voters who already fear the possibility that he could return to power?

I am one American patriot who doesn’t need a single reason to hear another word from this loser.

Americans used to insist that our candidates for president embodied the best in those who comprise this great nation. Donald Trump embodies the worst in us.

I have heard enough from this guy’s overfed yapper.