Trump set to destroy what’s left of his legacy


Let’s play this post-presidential election drama out just a bit, eh?

Donald Trump is threatening to sue the pants off the federal and state governments over the results of an election that shows him the clear loser in the race against President-elect Joe Biden.

We all know — or at least most of us know — that Trump thinks first of himself and to hell with the rest of us, the country or the institutions of government.

Were I in a position to counsel this POTUS, I might be inclined to remind him of how this all could end. It could end up with a protracted fight to the bitter end, with the courts — all of them, including the Supreme Court — ruling against every challenge he has mounted. He contends with a shred of evidence that the election was “stolen” from him by millions of illegal voters.

If it comes to that, Donald Trump is poised to destroy what is left of whatever legacy he ever thought of leaving after his term as president has ended. Does this individual really want to be remembered for all time, forever and ever, as the president who sought to dismantle the very underpinnings of our representative democracy?

He faces the prospect of being scorned and ridiculed more than he will be already.

I would tell him, “Mr. President, this fight isn’t worth the permanent damage it is going to do to your reputation. No kidding, man!”

But … that’s just me.