Tag Archives: election

Lunacy continues

By JOHN KANELIS / johnkanelis_92@hotmail.com

Oh, my … it appears that political lunacy is a bottomless well.

There must be no end to it.

The U.S. Supreme Court has tossed aside a stupid lawsuit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to overturn election results in four states. Donald Trump keeps yammering about rampant and widespread voter fraud. The court said he hasn’t made the case and that Paxton lacks the standing to challenge other states’ electoral process.

That’s the end of it, right? Not even.

Trump now is considering the appointment of a special counsel to examine the baseless allegations he has leveled. He also wants to look into Hunter Biden’s finances; yes, the son of the president-elect who defeated Trump this past month in the presidential election.

Lunacy, man. Lunacy!

Trump appears ready to take this fight all the way to Inauguration Day. Maybe even past it. Donald Trump might go for as long as he walks among us.

Yes, the nation elected a lunatic as its president in 2016. It decided it had enough of his idiocy and tossed him out in favor of President-elect Biden.

He ain’t going quietly. He is showing himself to be the lunatic many of us realized we were getting four years ago.

Trump set to destroy what’s left of his legacy

By JOHN KANELIS / johnkanelis_92@hotmail.com

Let’s play this post-presidential election drama out just a bit, eh?

Donald Trump is threatening to sue the pants off the federal and state governments over the results of an election that shows him the clear loser in the race against President-elect Joe Biden.

We all know — or at least most of us know — that Trump thinks first of himself and to hell with the rest of us, the country or the institutions of government.

Were I in a position to counsel this POTUS, I might be inclined to remind him of how this all could end. It could end up with a protracted fight to the bitter end, with the courts — all of them, including the Supreme Court — ruling against every challenge he has mounted. He contends with a shred of evidence that the election was “stolen” from him by millions of illegal voters.

If it comes to that, Donald Trump is poised to destroy what is left of whatever legacy he ever thought of leaving after his term as president has ended. Does this individual really want to be remembered for all time, forever and ever, as the president who sought to dismantle the very underpinnings of our representative democracy?

He faces the prospect of being scorned and ridiculed more than he will be already.

I would tell him, “Mr. President, this fight isn’t worth the permanent damage it is going to do to your reputation. No kidding, man!”

But … that’s just me.

Trump feeds conspiracy narrative


Donald J. Trump more than likely elicited cheers across the nation in the living rooms of those who believe as he does about the integrity of the national electoral process.

He did so by feeding into that hideous narrative — which he has initiated — that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Fox News’s Chris Wallace, the moderator of tonight’s third and final debate between Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton, asked him straight away: Will you accept the results of the election if voters choose Hillary Clinton?

His answer was just short of a direct “no!” He said he’ll look at it at the time. Trump, the Republican nominee, effectively admitted on national television that he doesn’t trust the system and he won’t commit to honoring the results and continuing this nation’s long tradition of promoting peaceful transition of power from one president to the next one.

My major takeaway from the debate tonight was that the GOP nominee demonstrated — yet again! — just how unfit he is for the office he is seeking.

Donald Trump is pandering to the ill-founded fears of those who have swallowed the bait he has tossed them that the system, the media, the powers that be all are conspiring to defeat him and to elect Hillary Clinton.

As the legendary TV character Army Col. Sherman T. Potter would say: mule muffins!

Yes, Donald, ‘people’ care about those tax returns


Donald J. Trump has asserted that “people” don’t care about his tax returns.

I now shall differ with the Republican presidential nominee.

When he says “people,” he refers to the 30 percent or so of the voting public that has bought into his message — whatever it is — that has propelled him to the GOP nomination.

The rest of us? Well, I think others care.

He’s not releasing his tax returns ostensibly because of an Internal Revenue Service audit … according to Trump. The IRS says it’s nonsense, that an audit doesn’t preclude someone from revealing the returns.

He likely won’t release them until after the election, presuming of course he gets elected. If he loses — which is what I believe will happen — we’ll never see them.


Trump’s tax returns are our business. He might not believe so, but they are.

If someone seeks to become president of the United States, then everything about them becomes part of the public’s concern. That certainly ought to include the way the candidate handles his financial affairs. It provides a window that allows us to understand how he might govern.

If the candidate is going to propose certain tax obligations on the people he or she governs, then we need to know whether that candidate also is paying his or her fair share of taxes. Is that so unreasonable? I think not.

Trump is playing fast and loose with a longstanding political custom dating back 40 years. Presidential candidates have released their tax returns to give Americans a fuller picture of what they’re buying into — or rejecting.

Come clean, Donald Trump.