How did it get to this?

I can state with absolute conviction that Americans have elected — twice, in fact! — the most ignorant, arrogant and insulting individual imaginable to the presidency of the United States of America.

Which makes me wonder — yet again: How in the world did it come to this?

Donald John Trump took an oath in January to defend and protect Americans from enemies at home and abroad. And yet, he has declared war on the government he was elected to administer. He has unleashed the world’s richest man to slash, slice and dice the government, sending pink slips to millions of dedicated public servants.

He has imposed tariffs on our nation’s most faithful friends, namely Canada and Mexico, and guaranteed that the cost of goods purchased and used by Americans will skyrocket into the great beyond.

Trump has sided with Russia, the illegal and immoral invader of another sovereign nation. He has pulled away all American military aid to Ukraine in an astonishing display of betrayal.

Trump has the backing of congressionl Republicans who comprise a paper-tin majority in both houses of Congress. They, too, are cowards of the first order, refusing to stand up for their constitutionally granted power to control the federal budget. They have handed the POTUS sidekick, Elon Musk, the virtual key to the treasure chest and told him, “It’s OK, Elon … you can just have. your way with taxpayers’ money and our authority.”

So help me, I will go to my grave never understanding how Americans — who used to believe in seeking only the very best among us to hold this power — have sunk so low to elect a certifiable ignoramus to the highest office in the land.

God help us.

I am ‘home’ for keeps

A friend asked me a question I have been asked many times since moving to Texas in the spring of 1984.

“Do you plan to move back to Oregon at any time?” the question came. I answered my pal the same way I have answered it many times before.

“My short answer is no,” I said. He wanted to know why.

“It’s too expensive there,” I said. I have watched real estate prices climb into the heavens in the state of my birth and I have determined I cannot afford to live there.

Plus, I told my friend, my wife Kathy Anne and I moved to Texas to advance my journalism career. We were successful in (a) allowing my career to proceed and provide me with some modest success along the way and (b) carving out a great life in three vastly different regions of this massive state.

We moved to the Golden Triangle, then to the Panhandle, and then to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Each region provided us with great joy, a bit of culture shock and the move to the D/FW area put us close to our granddaughter, who tomorrow celebrates her 12th birthday.

All of this is my way of saying out loud that although I have proven to be an adaptable fellow, I still am able to sink my roots deeply into whatever terrain where I am living. I have done so in the Lone Star State.

I am here likely for the duration.

No more GOP town halls?

The scaredy-cats who run the Republican Cowardly Congressional Caucus have put the word out.

The word to GOP members of Congress is: Do not conduct any more town hall meetings in your congressional districts because your constituents are too angry with Donald Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk.

To a person, the RCCC members seem to be following the dictates of the cowards who tell them how high to jump.

GOP members have been getting snootfuls from their constituents angry over the massive budget slashing, the firing of inspectors general, the gutting of USAID capabilities around the world and Trump’s abandoning of Ukraine as it seeks to defend against the invaders from Russia.

Trump this week announced the suspension of all military aid to Ukraine … while it is in the middle of a bloody ground war against the Russian army. Why? Because Trump thinks he’ll be able to get a better deal for the Russians if the Ukrainians are rendered incapable of killing thousands more Russian troops.

It is a load of pure horsesh** that Trump is peddling. Make no mistake that the congressional cowards’ constituents know a monumental betrayal of a valuable ally when they see one.

And they are witnessing one now in real time being orchestrated by the Oval Office.

What the GOP cowards do not seem to appreciate is that the Constitution’s guarantee of free speech allows for anyone to protest the government. It does not restrict these town halls just to audiences friendly to the political party in power. “Representing all the people” means precisely what the phrase states explicitly.

Therefore, all the people deserve to have their voices heard.

Especially when it makes the men and women in power squirm.

Trump to raise the cost … of everything!

Donald J. Trump, with the stroke of his Sharpie pen, instituted tariffs on every item this nation imports from Mexico, Canada and China.

It means that the cost of all the things we purchase from these formerly friendly trading partners is going to cost you and me more money that many of us cannot afford to pay.

Trump, though, keeps operating on the myth that he is punishing those countries. Bullsh**! That’s all it is. The self-proclaimed “king of debt,” the guy who once thought of himself as a whiz-kid wheeler and dealer is going to inflict pain on those he took an oath to protect and defend.

What in the name of fiscal sanity is rattling around that strangely coiffed noggin of his?

Do you remember when this dipsh** took office the first time and he negotiated what he called the greatest trade deal in business history with Canada and Mexico. He tossed aside the North American Free Trade Agreement and replaced it with another deal he said would protect all three nations from economic harm.

Well, buckle up boys and girls. The numbskull in chief is about to inflict all kinds of harm on all of us. If you’re someone who trades in fruits and veggies imported from Mexico, you’ll pass the cost of those goods on to consumers. If you purchase timber from Canada, you’ll do the same thing. Oh, and computer chips and all manner of household goods imported from China? Same thing, gang.

Trump’s economic policies — such as they exist — are intended only to inflict maximum pain on Americans. That’s you and me, man!

A loathsome POTUS pretender

I want to share this critique of Donald Trump by a commentator who, in my view, sums up perfectly why he is the most loathsome individual ever handed the title of president of the United States.

Take it away, Charles Pierce.

“In my life, I have watched John Kennedy talk on television about missiles in Cuba. I saw Lyndon Johnson look Richard Russell squarely in the eye and and say, “And we shall overcome.” I saw Richard Nixon resign and Gerald Ford tell the Congress that our long national nightmare was over. I saw Jimmy Carter talk about malaise and Ronald Reagan talk about a shining city on a hill. I saw George H.W. Bush deliver the eulogy for the Soviet bloc, and Bill Clinton comfort the survivors of Timothy McVeigh’s madness in Oklahoma City. I saw George W. Bush struggle to make sense of it all on Sept. 11, 2001, and I saw Barack Obama sing ‘Amazing Grace’ in the wounded sanctuary of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, S.C.
“These were the presidents of my lifetime. These were not perfect men. They were not perfect presidents, god knows. Not one of them was that. But they approached the job, and they took to the podium, with all the gravitas they could muster as appropriate to the job. They tried, at least, to reach for something in the presidency that was beyond their grasp as ordinary human beings. They were not all ennobled by the attempt, but they tried nonetheless.
“And comes now this hopeless, vicious buffoon, and the audience of equally hopeless and vicious buffoons who laughed and cheered when he made sport of a woman whose lasting memory of the trauma she suffered is the laughter of the perpetrators. Now he comes, a man swathed in scandal, with no interest beyond what he can put in his pocket and what he can put over on a universe of suckers, and he does something like this while occupying an office that we gave him, and while endowed with a public trust that he dishonors every day he wakes up in the White House.
“The scion of a multigenerational criminal enterprise, the parameters of which we are only now beginning to comprehend. A vessel for all the worst elements of the American condition. And a cheap, soulless bully besides. We never have had such a cheap counterfeit of a president* as currently occupies the office. We never have had a president* so completely deserving of scorn and yet so small in the office that it almost seems a waste of time and energy to summon up the requisite contempt.
“Watch how a republic dies in the empty eyes of an empty man who feels nothing but his own imaginary greatness, and who cannot find in himself the decency simply to shut up even when it is in his best interest to do so. Presidents don’t have to be heroes to be good presidents. They just have to realize that their humanity is our common humanity, and that their political commonwealth is our political commonwealth, too.
Watch him behind the seal of the President of the United States. Isn’t he a funny man? Isn’t what happened to that lady hilarious? Watch the assembled morons cheer. This is the only story now.”

Trump-Vance bashing draws heat from right

Donald Trump and J.D. Vance decided to form a tag team in the Oval Office, taking turns bashing Volodymyr Zelenskyy as he came to D.C. ostensibly to sign a mineral-rights deal with the United States.

What the Ukrainian president received instead was a shameful and unconscionable hectoring from the U.S. president and vice president who stunningly decided to stand with the dictator who unleashed his army on Ukraine three years ago.

Trump and Vance made a bit of notoriety with their lecture of Zelenskyy, who has stood firm with his troops who have inflicted tremendous injury and death on the invaders. They became the first American president and VP to turn their backs on an ally while he is fighting quite literally a hostile force intending to do this nation harm.

The tag-team approach was particularly galling, it appears, even to congressional conservatives who have been talking up their displeasure over what they witnessed in the Oval Office.

The true measure of their displeasure will come when they have to cast votes on Trump policies. Newfound anger at Trump well could be just so much bluster and bravado. The validation could come when they propose tangible measures to strike back at what many of them have called a betrayal of an ally fighting for democracy.

Indeed, what we witnessed was a sickening display by the former leader of the Free World.

Hero gets bum’s rush

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a hero to the people he serves as their preisident and is a hero to many Americans who have watched him stand his ground quite literally against the Russsian armed forces who invaded his country three years ago.

So, for the Ukrainian president to be bullied, harassed and humiiated by the president and vice president of the United States offends many Americans of both political parties, not to mention our allies in Europe who are standing behind the wartime Ukrainian leader.

The side show put on in the White House now appears to have been a deliberate effort by Donald Trump and J.D. Vance to humiliate Zelenskyy on the world stage. They said out loud in the White House meeting that Zelenskyy is fighting a lost cause against Russia and that without U.S. aid his forces would have been defeated long ago.

We cannot know any of that. Indeed, Zelenskyy only has shown himself to be much more of a man than either Trump or Vance. He stood his ground against their berating.

New York Times columnist David Brooks, who is billed as a conservative, said Friday that he felt “nauseated” by the disrespect that Trump and Vance displayed in the White House. He said that U.S. mistakes in the past usually were from “naivete or arrogance.” The POTUS and VPOTUS, Brooks said, are deliberately favoring a dictator over his foe who is fighting to preserve the democratic nation he governs.

The “gangsters” won the White House fight, according to Brooks.

And the fight for freedom against a force of tyranny took it squarely on the chin.

Buyer’s remorse: It’s real!

Well, gang …. perhaps you have heard some chatter about Donald Trump voters feeling “buyer’s remorse” over casting votes for Trump.

I am going to tell you that the remorse is real. I met a Trumpkin this week who expressed it to me, to my face, out loud and in a public place.

My friend told me she supported many of Trump’s policies during the 2016 presidential campaign. So, she voted for him. Then came the 2020 election and, believing his term in office was a success, she vote for him again for re-election.

Then the 2024 campaign commenced and there he was … again! And once more, Trump got my friend’s vote.

Then he ran off the rails, flew into the ditch and has been flailing ever since. His myriad pronoucements about the Panama Canal, Greenland, Canada becoming a U.S. state and a host of other bizarre statements and decisions have pushed this supporter aside.

“He has gone way too far,” she said this week, pressing her hand to her forehead.

Yeah. Do ya think?

She is a Texas native. She has witnessed the state’s transformation from a “yellow dog Democratic” state to a rock-ribbed Republican fortress. With Trump at the helm of the GOP, I am absolutely certain she is not alone in feeling remorse over what this idiot is doing to the country we all love.

What could go wrong?

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy came to the White House today supposedly to cement a deal over some mineral rights with the United States.

It didn’t end with anything signed. It ended instead with Zelenskyy storming out a shouting match with Donald Trump, who along with Vice President J.D. Vance, managed to insult the beleaguered Zelenskyy to the point of immense frustration.

This man is our ally, or at least he was our ally when Russian forces attacked Ukraine three years ago while Joe Biden was president of the United States.

It’s all changed now that Biden has retired and Trump has returned to power. Trump has buddied up to Russian goon Vladimir Putin, taking up where he left off when he lost his re-election bid to Biden in 2020.

That a meeting with Zelenskyy would crater as it did today should have surprised no one, given Trump’s propensity for saying the wrong things at the wrong time.

Arrogance rules at DOGE

There is an undeniable aura of arrogance at play when I watch Earth’s richest man make decisions that have a direct impact on ordinary Americans’ lives.

Elon Musk has taken his seat near the center of power in Washington, D.C., handing out orders to fire thousands of dedicated public servants. He sends them to the unemployment line not knowing if they will be able to buy groceries for the dinner table, pay for a child’s college tuition or just meet the financial requirements we all face as we go about living our lives.

What does Elon Musk know about any of that? Not a damn thing!

He’s worth something just south of a trillion bucks these days. Yet there he struts as head of the so-called Department of Government Efficiency, slashing payrolls and denying Americans the chance to advance in careers they chose to pursue.

Donald Trump says Musk and his DOGE goons are hellbent to make government smaller and less corrupt. It is beyond absurd to realize that the administration has fired many of the inspectors general who are trained to root out the kind of corruption Trump insists is present in many government agencies. The DOGE gang is now relying on 20-something interns to do the work formerly done by trained professional government watchdogs.

This is making government “more efficient?” Hardly.

What we have here is an oligarch running amok … with the blessing of a POTUS who’s been impeached twice and convicted of 34 felonies. Oh, brother.

Commentary on politics, current events and life experience