I can state with absolute conviction that Americans have elected — twice, in fact! — the most ignorant, arrogant and insulting individual imaginable to the presidency of the United States of America.
Which makes me wonder — yet again: How in the world did it come to this?
Donald John Trump took an oath in January to defend and protect Americans from enemies at home and abroad. And yet, he has declared war on the government he was elected to administer. He has unleashed the world’s richest man to slash, slice and dice the government, sending pink slips to millions of dedicated public servants.
He has imposed tariffs on our nation’s most faithful friends, namely Canada and Mexico, and guaranteed that the cost of goods purchased and used by Americans will skyrocket into the great beyond.
Trump has sided with Russia, the illegal and immoral invader of another sovereign nation. He has pulled away all American military aid to Ukraine in an astonishing display of betrayal.
Trump has the backing of congressionl Republicans who comprise a paper-tin majority in both houses of Congress. They, too, are cowards of the first order, refusing to stand up for their constitutionally granted power to control the federal budget. They have handed the POTUS sidekick, Elon Musk, the virtual key to the treasure chest and told him, “It’s OK, Elon … you can just have. your way with taxpayers’ money and our authority.”
So help me, I will go to my grave never understanding how Americans — who used to believe in seeking only the very best among us to hold this power — have sunk so low to elect a certifiable ignoramus to the highest office in the land.
God help us.