Donald J. Trump leveled some pretty hideous accusations at local election officials throughout the country.
The president-elect said while campaigning for the highest office in the land that the election would be “rigged” against him … if he lost.
He, quite naturally, never uttered a peep about such corruption in the event he would win.
Well, he did. He won it fair and square.
Have we heard a sound from the winner about the “rigged” election process? Have we heard him say a word about how at times campaign rhetoric gets a bit overheated and that, well, he was trying to make some kind of political point?
Remember how Trump sought to excuse his anti-woman comments as mere “entertainment,” that he really had “great respect” for women and that he didn’t really mean what he said about how he judged women on their appearance?
He’s capable of taking back these statements, yes?
Trump ought to do so in this case.
He’s likely to finish with more than 300 electoral votes. Hillary Rodham Clinton is likely to finish with more actual votes than Trump.
The system isn’t “rigged.” It never has been. The system has been run at the local level by dedicated public servants committed to ensuring the integrity of this cherished right of citizenship.
The man who benefited most from that system, the president-elect, owes them all an apology.