Tag Archives: platform

GOP has no governing platform

Anyone who believes today’s Republican Party has a governing platform that is worth a damn needs to pay careful attention to what is being reported all around the world.

It is that the GOP is — and has been — the exclusive property of a one-time real estate developer and a former TV “reality show” host who in 2016 stumbled into the U.S. presidency.

Put another way, Donald J. Trump has no policy, no guiding principles, no moral compass to guide him. He makes policy up as he goes along and that “policy,” and I use the term with an abundance of caution, somehow becomes the policy of the MAGA cult that is running the once-great political party.

Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is on the verge of unveiling her economic policy. She will present it perhaps before Democrats meet next week in Chicago to send her into the fight with Trump as their party’s nominee.

I met someone today who expressed support for the “Republican Party platform.” I answered that the party “doesn’t have one.” This individual wouldn’t buy that idea. We changed the subject.

This is the kind of stubborn notion that is so damn hard to expunge from Republicans’ noggins.

Of course, this all ignores the deep moral failings that Trump has exhibited his entire adult life.

I have been impressed by the rant offered by Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz, who reminds us that “public service” is a foreign concept to Trump. I have been saying since the day his political career began that Trump has spent his entire professional life focused on one thing: enriching himself. He purports to be a populist but doesn’t give a damn about the millions of disenfranchised Americans who need a real champion, not one who portrays himself as a populist on the campaign stump.

So, when Republicans tout their party platform, they should add a caveat that reminds us that it’s all a creation of Donald Trump’s demented mind.