Tag Archives: Hamilton

Toughen up, Mr. President-elect


Donald J. Trump got his dander up because his vice president-elect, Mike Pence, got a few boos and jeers when he went to see the play “Hamilton.”

The president-elect has demanded an apology from the cast of “Hamilton.”

Well now.

The guy can dish it out, yes? He can denigrate a war hero, John McCain; he can insult women and Latinos; he can tell a Gold Star couple they have “no right” to criticize him; he can mock a reporter’s physical disability; he tell an Indiana-born judge he can’t preside over a fraud trial involving Trump University because “he’s a Mexican, OK?”; he perpetuated the lie about Barack Obama being born in Kenya and he questioned whether the president was in office legally.

Does this clown apologize for any of litany of insults he hurled while winning the presidency?

The president-elect had better toughen up in a big hurry. The criticism is just beginning.

VP-elect gets booed at ‘Hamilton’ … and Trump wants an apology?


Mike Pence went to a show last night and got greeted with a mixture of boos and cheers.

So what? The vice president-elect is about to assume a new post in the Trump administration in the wake of a hotly contested election. His side got fewer popular votes than the other side. The nation is deeply divided.

Does he expect to be greeted now with universal good cheer? Of course not!


What is even weirder, though, is that the president-elect has demanded an apology. From whom? The audience members who jeered Pence? Who, precisely, is supposed to issue such an apology?

This kind of thing goes with the territory. I am betting that Pence — who’s actually held public office for quite some time — gets it. He understands the give-and-take often leads to the rough-and-tumble and that feelings do get strained and hurt in the course of a difficult political battle.

So it is as the dust starts to settle on this highly improbable presidential election — and its stunning conclusion.