It’s always been this way.
The so-called “liberal media” do all they can to conspire to sway public decisions, policy and the actions of those in power … allegedly.
We’re hearing it again in social media circles: The “liberal media” want to elect Hillary Clinton!
I believe I shall call a time out for a moment or two.
The so-called “binary choice” features Clinton, the Democratic nominee, and Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee. One of them will be elected president of the United States on Nov. 8.
The “liberal media,” according to those on the right, are giving Clinton a pass on all those hideous scandals that have rocked her political history. Isn’t that interesting? How do those on the right even know about the scandals/controversies/dust-ups? They read about them in the media.
Clinton’s past has been covered over and over again. She’s been scrutinized, examined, vetted and interrogated by more reporters than anyone in public lifeĀ in the past 20-plus years. Congress has investigated her to the hilt and those investigations have been covered — also to the hilt — by the media.
As for the liberal media conspiring to elect her, I want to offer this brief rejoinder. The print media in particular don’t have the time, let alone the inclination, to concoct such conspiracies. I used to adhere to the truism while working as a full-time journalist that producing a newspaper every day was little short of a miracle, given all the things that can go wrong during a given production cycle.
One final point …
If the media were truly conspiring to elect either Trump or Clinton, I would put my bet on the media wanting Trump to win. Think of it: Whenever he shoots off his mouth, he draws a crowd; he attracts viewers to TV news shows and readers to print publications.
Those readers and viewers all mean the same thing to media moguls: money, lots of money.
Liberal media conspiracy?
Give me a break. There. I’m out.