Mandate … shmandate

I want to lay out a few numbers for you in the wake of Donald Trump’s insistence that he won the 2024 presidential election in a “massive landslide.”

Trump’s popular vote plurality sits at 1.47%. He won with fewer than 50% of the popular vote; to be clear, that’s not a huge deal, as other presidents have taken office after winning pluralities and not majorities. Trump’s vote count stands at 49.71%, with Kamala Harris’ total at 48.24%.

He said this past weekend he won the popular vote by “millions and millions” of ballots. The actual count is that he won by about 2.3 million votes out of more than 155 million ballots cast. Yes, he won more votes than any other Republican in U.S. history. The 155 million ballot count was the second-greatest total in U.S. history. The 2020 election is the record holder, with more than 158 million cast for president.

I just feel the need to keep Trump’s victory in some perspective … you know what I mean?

One thought on “Mandate … shmandate”

  1. He wasnā€™t wrong, ā€œmillions and millionsā€ is 2+ million. You know he says things just too mess with the media and folks like you? It works quite well it appears.

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