I cannot in good conscience take credit for thinking of this, but I have no problem repeating it here.
I am waiting anxiously for a return to a “boring” U.S. presidency.
Donald Trump’s term has been fraught with anxiety at almost every level imaginable. What in the world is this guy going to say via Twitter? Who will he fire? What policy statement will be fire off without consulting with anyone other than his innards? Who is he going to pi** off with a reckless tweet?
Those days are soon to be behind us. President-elect Biden will become President Biden on Jan. 20 and soon — as in immediately — my hope is that we return to a normal presidency. One that includes sane political judgment based on same political discussion.
Whereas the current president came from the world of business where he was his own boss and didn’t answer to anyone, the new president comes from the world of government. That’s where the people — you and I — are the collective boss. We call the shots. We did so with the election, deciding we had enough of the turbulence, tumult and tempest that accompanied damn near everything that Donald Trump did.
I am so ready for a return to what we used to think of as “normal” behavior from our head of state.