No compassion, no empathy, no caring for the victims

I admit that today I fell off my Boycott Trump Briefing wagon. I ended up watching a bit of Donald Trump’s alleged “briefing” over what his coronavirus task force is supposedly accomplishing in its fight against the pandemic.

Here’s my takeaway, which mirrors what I have failed to hear from damn near anything that Trump says about this crisis.

What I fail to hear is an emphasis from Trump on the impact this crisis is having on its victims. I hear not a semblance of empathy or sincere concern from this clown. He offers a sentence or two, speaking in platitudes about victims, but I hear no expression of sincere worry or concern about those who are felled by the disease.

He goes on and on about the “numbers.” He seeks to suggest that the “fantastic job” he is doing might drive the death count to far below what the health task force is predicting. The pandemic, according to experts, might kill as many as 240,000 Americans. Now we’re hearing that that the projection might be an inflated number.

Don’t misunderstand me. I would be delighted if the fatality count doesn’t reach the number that some have projected. I also wouldn’t object if we learn that the projection was inflated deliberately, with an expectation that the actual casualty count would come in with far fewer numbers.

What I do not want to hear is Donald Trump claiming false credit for anything he has done. The federal response has been disjointed, disorganized and disgraceful. Donald Trump is the nation’s chief executive and he must assume responsibility for the failures as well as the triumphs.

I want to hear something, anything, from this president that suggests he actually cares about those who are living in agony, whether they are battling the disease themselves or are watching a loved one wage that fight.

I know what you’re thinking. It will be a long wait for that moment to arrive. If it ever does arrive.

In the meantime, I am going to return to boycotting these so-called Trump “briefings.” They sicken me.