Tag Archives: character

Character no longer matters?

Republicans once stood as those who believed in strong moral conduct and scorned those who got caught doing untoward things in public.

Do you remember those days? I sure do. They reached a full boil during the time Bill Clinton was seeking the presidency. Why, the so-called “moral majority” and those on the far right just couldn’t stomach the notion of someone who cheated on his wife becoming president of the United States.

They even countenanced the publishing of an alleged documentary called “The Clinton Chronicles” that purported to “prove” that Bill and Hillary Clinton plotted the murder of a close friend, Vince Foster … who in fact took his own life in a D.C. park.

Oh, how it has all changed.

What now passes for the Republican Party is set to nominate an individual for the presidential campaign who fails at every level possible the test the GOP once applied to candidates for the nation’s highest office.

He admits to cheating on his wives; he has been convicted of sexual abuse; he was impeached twice during his term as POTUS; he once bragged about grabbing women by their genitalia; he has said he never has sought forgiveness; he called for the execution of the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman who had the temerity to criticize him over policy matters.

I could go on … but I won’t.

To be clear, I wasn’t a fan of the witch hunt launched against Bill Clinton back in the day. I am less of a fan now of the dimwit who wants to return to the Oval Office and serve as “your retribution” to those who have swallowed the swill he has offered.

And yet he has the support of the Republican National Committee, those who operate the machinery and a loudly vocal minority of voters who continue to outshout the rest of the nation.

The state of the current Republican Party makes me miss the former GOP … and that, I will tell you, is really saying something.

Character no longer matters

Spoiler alert: I said on this blog I would refrain from political commentary because of a deeply concerning personal matter. I am veering away briefly from that statement to make the following comment.

Republicans clearly have forsaken character as a prerequisite for holding public office. Witness the stony silence among many GOP officeholders for one of their own’s serial lying while campaigning for Congress.

GOP Rep.-elect George Santos lied about damn near every aspect of his life while campaigning for a congressional seat.

He lied about his education, his professional experience, his personal life. Santos has been shown to have made up everything about himself. He calls it “embellishment.” My ass!

Does it matter to Republicans who soon will become his colleagues in the House? Pfffttt! Not a chance!

They’re going to accept this nut job as one of their own.

All of this reminds me of how Republicans made character the foremost issue as they campaigned successfully to impeach President Clinton in the late 1990s. How they sought to besmirch the Vietnam War combat heroism of 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry. How they lied about Barack Obama’s place of birth.

Now this. Santos is a disgrace.

There. Now I feel better.


Character still matters

Do you remember a time when Republican politicians recited the mantra that “character matters”?

I do. It became vogue when Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton sought to become president in 1992. Republicans got wind of some alleged indiscretions involving the young governor. They whipped it all into a frenzied rally cry that sought to undermine the candidate’s presidential aspirations.

Well, character still matters. Except that Republicans have gone deaf and blind on what the rest of us have seen about a prominent GOP politician. That would be … umm, Donald J. Trump.

The former POTUS is an admitted sexual assailant; an admitted philanderer; he has denigrated prisoners of war, calling them “suckers” and “losers.”

Character, anyone? Yeah, it still matters now just as it did in the early 1990s when Republicans sought to make character an issue in another presidential campaign.

Except that these days the GOP is turning away while one of its own flouts the very institutions he once vowed to preserve and protect. His lack of character also revealed itself when he disparaged a great American, Colin Powell, only hours after the great man’s death.
