Character no longer matters

Spoiler alert: I said on this blog I would refrain from political commentary because of a deeply concerning personal matter. I am veering away briefly from that statement to make the following comment.

Republicans clearly have forsaken character as a prerequisite for holding public office. Witness the stony silence among many GOP officeholders for one of their own’s serial lying while campaigning for Congress.

GOP Rep.-elect George Santos lied about damn near every aspect of his life while campaigning for a congressional seat.

He lied about his education, his professional experience, his personal life. Santos has been shown to have made up everything about himself. He calls it “embellishment.” My ass!

Does it matter to Republicans who soon will become his colleagues in the House? Pfffttt! Not a chance!

They’re going to accept this nut job as one of their own.

All of this reminds me of how Republicans made character the foremost issue as they campaigned successfully to impeach President Clinton in the late 1990s. How they sought to besmirch the Vietnam War combat heroism of 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry. How they lied about Barack Obama’s place of birth.

Now this. Santos is a disgrace.

There. Now I feel better.