What in the name of international diplomatic norms is going on here?
Donald Trump’s administration announced sanctions against North Korea, citing its recommitment to building its nuclear arsenal despite promises to “denuclearize.” Then the president, without consulting anyone, reverses his own administration.
The president removed the sanctions. Why?
About all we got immediately came Friday from White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who said only that Trump “likes Chairman Kim” Jong Un, the tyrant/killer/despot/madman who runs the reclusive Marxist regime in North Korea.
The president who dismisses American war heroes, denigrates U.S. intelligence analysts, questions his homeland security team, ignores the advice he gets from “the best people” surrounding him “likes” a guy like Kim Jong Un — the overfed dictator who starves his own people.
Go . . . figure. If you can.
Good grief.