Awaiting Trump 2.0

OK, I’ll have to be candid about the arrival of Donald Trump to the national political scene.

Your friendly blogger is going to seek to exercise some self-control when it comes to commenting on Trump as he assumes the presidency … yet again!

He no doubt is going to blather statements swathed in stupidity. He will display his ignorance of government time and again. He will insult his enemies, heap praise on his pals. My task as a blogger with a keen interest in politics and policy will be … to remain silent on most of that idiocy.

It sounds like a tall order. It has been easy for me to rant, rave and rail against the stupidity that flows from this guy’s pie hole. I have decided to follow a time-honored mantra: What the man does is more important than what he says.

I will just have to accept that he will say a lot of nonsensical things while sitting in the Oval Office. That’s just kinda par for this guy’s way of getting our attention.

When he acts on his idiocy, well, that’s another matter. His first day as a self-proclaimed “dictator” might give me ample grist on which to comment. I’ll be ready for that. Afterward? I intend to keep my powder dry for the things the numbskull in chief actually does.

Oh, it’s going to be a fun four years.

One thought on “Awaiting Trump 2.0”

  1. I believe you’ve said similar NUMEROUS TIMES and it didn’t last more than a day. LOL!

    Good luck!

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