How will next POTUS respond?

I harbor some reluctance to bring this up, but I am going to do so anyway and risk some blowback from MAGA cultists who read this blog.

It is to wonder how the POTUS-elect is going to respond verbally to the tragedy that is unfolding in Los Angeles County, Calif. The worst wildfires reportedly in southern California history are ravaging entire cities, forcing the evacuations of hundreds of thousands of people.

We have heard how Donald Trump has responded before to disasters affecting communities that did not support him politically. He scolds their leadership for alleged incompetence. He does so instead of offering the government’s full support.

California suffered serious damage during Trump’s first term in office. He responded by lecturing leaders on how to keep the brush clear. Why did he do that? Because California is a “blue” state where most voters cast their ballots for Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016, Joe Biden in 2020 and Kamala Harris in 2024.

I am one American patriot who wants to hear whether the president-elect can exhibit some semblance of compassion and grace. I fear he won’t … and that he will make me angry all over again.

2 thoughts on “How will next POTUS respond?”

  1. He already stated how Newsom vetoed a bill that would have collected water for the state. California has had a drought/wildfire problem for years. Yet the administration keeps doing nothing for the citizens and everything for birds or fish. Why is this?

  2. Also, Trump warned about this exact scenario three months ago on Rogan’s podcast. He said if they didn’t do something quickly about their water reserves, which they could easily do, there would be fires they couldn’t recover from easily. Musk reiterated it later on the same podcast. He even said that desalination is cheap and California refuses to do so in bulk.

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