Forgive me for reneging a little on a promise I made regarding this new nutrition and weight-management program I have just begun.
I said I wouldn’t bore you with nitty-gritty details I take at every step along the way. I want to share one item with you. So … bear with me.
The Veterans Administration has a program that teaches us how to control our meal intake and change our lifestyle. I have gotten far too heavy for my own liking. My dear bride’s passing from cancer nearly two years ago sent me into an eating frenzy I didn’t realize was occurring in the moment. But it was.
I am working my way out of that former life. I have just started that long journey. I have decided that my older age — I just turned 75 a little while ago — has robbed me of the discipline I was able to employ many years ago.
Once, in my mid-20s, I had gained a lot of weight. I decided to join my wife, who had just given birth to our first son, in a weight-loss program. It worked famously. I peeled off 52 pounds. If I may sound a bit conceited, I was proud of myself.
Those days are long gone. I have put even more weight on this aging body. I need professional help. I sought it out at the VA and the agency has responded by putting me on this program.
I am entering the program with an abundance of confidence, although I cannot yet declare whether it will bear the fruit I seek.
I can declare — therefore I will do so — that I need the help from the VA nutritionist with whom I am working. Just maybe she will keep me focused sufficiently to reach the finish line after completing my stated goal.
Good luck on your journey. I need to don something myself. Before I started traveling, I played golf three to four times a week. I’ve been on the road for about three months now and I can see the belly growing. The holidays didn’t help.
Thanks for the good word. I used to be able to whip these demons all by myself. Now I have to summon the cavalry. Hoping for the best.