Trump-Vance’s racism on full display

Let it never be denied that the 2024 Republican Party presidential ticket is virulently racist to its core … meaning to what passes for the hearts of the two men who are leading that political enterprise, Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance.

For them to single out Haitian refugees for committing a heinous act of barbarism in an Ohio city that has welcomed them only drives home the point of the men’s racist core.

Haiti is a country that comprises a Black population. Thousands of Haitians have moved into Ohio. Then, during his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump asserted that Haitian refugees are eating pet dogs and cats.

Proof of it happening? Trump produced not a shred of it. Indeed, Ohio officials have declared it to be a vicious rumor.

However, this brand of idiotic racism goes straight into Trump’s wheelhouse. He has singled out ethnic and racial groups — and individuals — for this kind of “fake news.” Remember the Barack Obama “birther” malarkey? How about recently when Trump wondered out loud “when Kamala Harris became Black.”

This idiot has no place preparing to knock on the White House door yet again.

Trump is racist to his rotten core. And Vance, the junior senator from Ohio, is just following the racist in chief’s lead.

2 thoughts on “Trump-Vance’s racism on full display”

  1. Sir, you are full of shit! Countless folks of the community have confirmed this has been taking place in their community. They have talked in city council meetings and weren’t allowed to finish.

    I ran across a his blog on accident a few weeks ago. I commented on a post last week sometime. I have since gone back and read your posts going back several years. I was absolutely astonished how your tone has changed. You had your major left views, nothing wrong with having your own opinions, but were cordial in dismissing others. Now, quite frankly, you’re an ass. You obviously listen to mainstream media and don’t do any research on your own. Your talking points as of the last two, maybe three years, have simply been regurgitated from nightly news. Find Facebook groups in various parts of the country that are local for their areas and you’ll find rather quickly the things Biden/Harris have claimed are simply not happening for the average citizen.

    In my over 80 years on this earth, I’ve never seen an administration completely destroy a country as Biden/Harris has done. Yet, you seem to believe they’ve been absolutely great. You also thought Biden was still sharp, I did read that in one of your posts.

    Time is short on this earth. You sure need to learn to lighten up, again. You used to be. You can get there again.

    I apologize as I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I’ve reached a point in my life it’s hard to walk past something that’s seems extremely disingenuous to me.

    I doubt I stick around. I may check back in a bit to see if you’ve toned down the rhetoric at all. I always have hope that decency can be regained.

    1. Jeez, don’t hold back. You “don’t mean to be disrespectful”? Well, you were. But I am a grown man and I can let it slide. The pet-eating story will disappear soon. Probably after the election. The Biden/Harris admin hasn’t “destroyed” anything. The country is in fine condition. Problems? Sure! I want the illegal immigration matter solved, too. This country is in far better shape today than it was four years ago and if you set aside your cynical view of the world you would recognize it as I and others have done. Thanks for your comment.

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