Trump says ‘no mas!’

Can you really blame Donald Trump for not wanting any more of Kamala Harris than what he got the other evening?

I totally get what he might be thinking: I’ve got too much to lose and probably not much to gain by standing toe-to-toe with the former district attorney/former California attorney general/and current vice president of the United States.

One debate whoopin’ is enough for the former POTUS.

The Democratic and Republican presidential nominees now will slug it out at a distance. We’ll get to hear Trump spit out his lies, his fabrications about such things as dogs and cats being eaten by immigrants. We won’t see a scintilla of grace from the GOP nominee who gets to run for POTUS for the third consecutive election cycle, despite his multiple felony convictions and other felony indictments awaiting trial.

He gets to join the ranks of “quitters” to go along with his membership in the club of losers.

2 thoughts on “Trump says ‘no mas!’”

  1. Why would he do another 3 on 1 ā€œdebateā€?

    She didnā€™t answer a single question asked of her even though she had the questions ahead of time according to an ABC whistleblower. She regurgitated talking points, but as usual, never addressed her actual policies, because she doesnā€™t have any.

    Sheā€™s still dodging lied constantly but ABC wouldnā€™t ā€œfact checkā€ her even though their ā€œfact checksā€ of Trump were lies. Anything to protect Harris!
    Sheā€™s still dodging the press. She did talk to a local station today, but it was scripted.

    The media continues to protect her and basically democrats.

    I live in California and liberals have destroyed this state. If I werenā€™t old and on a fixed income, Iā€™d get out of this place. It takes all I have just to live month to month. Four years ago, I should have left when my income did more for me.

  2. One more thing, illegals get more help in California than someone thatā€™s lived here for over 80 years. Illegals are in my neighborhood and are getting monthly stipends plus cards for food. They will tell you and are proud of it.

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