How is this contest still close?

I consider myself to be reasonably well-educated, with above-average intelligence, one who is still alert at my advanced age and who has a deep love of the country of my birth.

OK, now … someone will have to explain to me how a twice-impeached former POTUS who wants his old job back is still in the race to win the 2024 election.

Bear with me while I review where we stand.

He served a single disastrous term as president; he lost re-election in 2020; he had been impeached twice by the House for high crimes and misdemeanors. He then was convicted on 34 felony criminal counts, found liable in the sexual assault of a journalist. Federal and state grand juries in four jurisdictions have indicted him on a range of alleged criminal acts, including the Jan. 6 assault on the government that sought to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

All the while, he has hurled insults at veterans, Gold Star families, immigrants, gay people, women of all stripes, a physically challenged reporter for the New York Times and admitted to grabbing women by their private parts because he’s a “celebrity.”

These issues don’t even touch the myriad cluster-fu** acts that he committed as POTUS.

We fired this guy four years ago. We told him he wasn’t fit the job he had. Now he wants it back.

How in the name of all that is sacred, holy and sane does this add up?

I’m sure some High Plains Blogger critics will see fit to tell me I don’t get it. They are right.

I don’t.

20 thoughts on “How is this contest still close?”

  1. Just when one thinks a person can’t go any lower:

    Last night my eyes filled with warm tears as I watched seventeen year old, Gus Walz cheer for his Father during Tim’s speech at the DNC Convention.

    “ That’s my Dad! “ the teenager said as he pointed at the stage and tears washed down his own face.

    Today Ann Coulter shared a picture of Gus on social media and captioned it- “ Talk about weird.”

    How low can some MAGA people go?

    Vile and evil are the only words that come to mind.

    1. I don’t condone Coulter, but I guess you failed to remember the liberal media making fun of Barron when Trump was elected. ALL networks used the same tag line. A collective act against the Trump family. But you keep acting like it’s only “MAGA” people that are this low life!

      1. I watch CNN all the time. I never heard them say an unkind word about Baron Trump. Can you provide an example with a link, please. If you can, I will condemn it. If not, then you probably watch Faux News.

    2. Ann Coulter is sewer sludge, period. I’ve never listened to someone so frigid and full of hatred. Actually, I cannot tolerate listening to her at all. I have to change the channel if her face appears on my television. What she said about Gus says a lot about who she is as a person, and it ain’t human.

    1. Thank you for posting, although watching Gus’ reaction did make me cry again. How pure, honest, and real was that moment. And, how dare any person with an ounce of humanity make fun of this special moment in time. I just saw love on that stage, with Tim and his family. It’s a big difference from the awkward, non-loving family of donald who appeared on stage because it was required of them.

  2. You are absolutely correct Bill P: there are definitely bad actors on all sides.

    Children should be off limits and shielded from attacks .
    Those who go after them should be condemned.

    The difference, in my opinion , is the GOP has one of the worst actors at the top of their ticket.

    And very few in the party condemn him; instead they encourage his churlish behavior.

    I left the Republican Party because of Trump. It no longer holds to the classical liberal ideas that once made it ‘Grand’.

    Conservative principles listed below.

    1. When the liberal media was making fun of Trump, it was revealed from leaked memos that the DNC sent the talking points to them. There’s no sign that they’ve matured any. How low can they go?

      1. Please provide a reliable source for your comment, as it makes no sense. Furthermore, the media appears liberal to conservatives who do not have higher education. Call me an elitist, and I gladly accept that compliment. By the way, when one is a convicted criminal and known chronic liar, plus many other negative attributes, it is fair game to point out his stupidity.

  3. Bill-

    You think the right wing media ( Fox- Rush- Hannity-Newsmax etc) weren’t conspiring behind the scenes with the RNC against Obama , The Clinton’s and Biden?

    Now that there is funny. Don’t care who you are.

    We’re waiting for an example on Barron Trump?

  4. It should also be appalling that Planned Parenthood, by request of the DNC, setup mobile abortion clinics outside the convention.

    How low can they go?

      1. DM, I know you can’t stand Trump and you stated you can’t vote for Harris. So, who’s your option now? Just curious.



          I’m a pro-life Catholic. The preamble to our constitution states we have the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

          The Magna Carta, from which our founding fathers drew inspiration, actually stated – ‘ life, liberty and property.’

          I believe ‘life is listed first because without life one has no chance to enjoy the other rights.

          I voted for Trump twice. The first time with some enthusiasm; the second, holding my nose.

          Trump’s behavior and his actions that led to the riots on January 6th , stunned and deeply saddened me.

          His denials of the outcome of the election and the manner in which he prevented the peaceful transfer of power are appalling.

          I’ve stated here numerous other reasons I oppose him in his efforts to regain power.

          Catholic doctrine typically encourages one to weigh the lesser of two evils in our two party system.

          Trump has abandoned the pro-life field. He says it should be left to the states. That’s like saying slavery should have been left to the states.

          He has pledged not to sign a federal ban on abortion.

          For me, both choices we have for POTUS are equally evil and I cannot in good conscience vote for either.

          After the elections I’ll have to face my ugly mug in the mirror.

          I will be able to tell my future grandchildren where I stood.

          At this point in my life, when I’m too old to die young, I’ve decided being a good husband, father, employer and neighbor will make a bigger difference in the lives of those around me than who the President is.

          Government should be local, limited and decentralized. We now place way too much power in the executive office.

          I pray for our country and its leaders daily. In the end this life is temporary and we are pilgrims without a home, until e get to our true home.

          All will be well.

          That’s my story- and I’m sticking to it.

          1. DM,

            I can’t argue with anything you said. You are pretty much spot on. It’s sad that in a country of over 300 million people, Harris and Trump are the best we can get. It just makes no sense. Of course it’s not much better in the House and Senate. They are all a bunch of power hungry, and for the most part, never worked in their life, clowns.

            My wife and I had the discussion a few nights ago while watching the clowns at the DNC what we should do. Neither one of us actually like Trump as a person. We liked how his policies strengthened our economy and foreign relations, until Covid. If he would just shut up! Anyways, we decided if we are going to vote, it would have to be for Trump. A vote for Harris is one step closer to marxism and communism. She’s for big government and wants government to tell us what we should or shouldn’t do, even though she’s never actually introduced a functional bill.

            As of now, we are both actually undecided if we’ll vote. I’m afraid not to simply because that adds to Harris’ chances. Either way, we are in a no win situation.

      2. So, just to be clear. You are willing to give our country over to a tyrant who is a convicted felon, civilly liable sexual abuser, chronic adulterer, chronic liar, sociopath, civilly liable fraudster, with pending indictments yet to be litigated? That’s ridiculous. There are many medical reasons a woman may need an abortion. It isn’t like a contraceptive as the R’s would have you believe. I presume you also think a 10-year-old should also carry to term an embryo created by the horror of rape? Why not keep the trauma a lifelong event? You aren’t thinking clearly. Besides, it is none of yours or my business what a woman and her doctor decide what to do with her body. I’m sure you would feel differently if your 10-year-old daughter were raped and impregnated by an evil person. The solution is easy. You should have no say in what other persons decide to do with an unwanted pregnancy, unless you want to pass legislation, such as the child tax credit, summer food programs, free school lunches, etc. No, the R’s don’t want to do any of that, but they sure as hell want that unwanted fetus born. It’s utter stupidity. One more thing, I don’t care about your religious objections either. This is the United States of America where you can worship or not worship who or what you want, and it is not going to be a white, Christian Nationalist nation.
        Brett Breckenridge

    1. It’s called choice. There are numerous reasons, many life threatening, when abortions are needed. Secondly, it’s none of your damn business or mine what a woman decides to do with her body. I guarantee if the table was turned and men carried the unwanted pregnancy, the abortion rate would be triple what it is today. Nobody, not even the pro-choice coalition, likes abortion. They simply don’t want the government in their uterus and making life-impacting decisions for them without consent. That is an American value….less government in our lives. If your issue with abortion regards your religion, I don’t care, nor do 70+% of the country. Do something positive for the children who are living in poverty. Volunteer to help a woman who was forced to have an unwanted pregnancy. Vote for government assistance for these same children you claim must not be aborted. That’s the ironic, yet unfortunate hilarity of the anti-abortion people. They don’t care about passing laws, such as free lunches, medical care, etc. for the child after it’s born. The anti-choice people contribute to a society with unwanted, abused, neglected, and poor children. Do something positive, and quit your complaining about what YOU think is best for somebody else’s life.

  5. Bill-

    It would be fun to have a beer together.

    It does stagger the imagination to think of all the clowns we have in elected offices and our two choices for POTUS.

    I appreciate your civility.

    Have a great rest of your weekend.

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