Yep. the man is unfit

DawnĀ  finally is breaking over the pundit class that is covering the third presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump.

Ever since he announced his bid for the presidency the first time in 2015, some of us have been saying that Trump’s zero experience with public service would render him unfit for the presidency. Now, others are seeing the proverbial light.

Consider what the numbskull said about those who receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and how it compares to the Medal of Honor. He put them on an equal footing, suggesting further that the Medal of Freedom is “more important” because Medal of Honor recipients “always are wounded” and some have died to earn the recognition.

What an absolute crock of bull dookie!

The Medal of Freedom is the nation’s highest civilian honor; it goes to those who contribute greatly to our cultural life, through athletics, art, music, drama. The Medal of Honor is our nation’s top military honor; it is awarded to those who perform heroically on the battlefield.

Both medals are big deals.

However, for the former POTUS to put down Medal of Honor recipients because they are “wounded or killed” betrays a profound lack of understanding or appreciation of those don the nation’s uniform in service to their country.

It also reveals what I have noted many times on this blog, which is that Trump never has committed a single moment of his existence on this Earth to public service.

I am running out of ways to say this … but this moron is unfit for public office at any level, let alone as commander in chief.

8 thoughts on “Yep. the man is unfit”

  1. Trump seems to be getting worse in every aspect.

    His rambling, ninety minute speech, to close the convention was unbearable. Low energy with no coherent theme.

    Thatā€™s become the norm with his ā€˜pressersā€™ and rallies.

    One has to wonder if the near death experience has left him with PTSD.

    He was foaming at the mouth for revenge on Biden but wound up with an opponent for which he has no answer or strategy.

    I am disappointed in VP Harrisā€™ economic agenda. However, in reality most of it will not pass.

    Iā€™m hoping she beats Trump who is completely unfit for office and who ā€˜Evangelicals for Harrisā€™ are now correctly calling a false prophet.

    RFK has no chance / Iā€™m flip flopping back to Harris/Walz.

    ā€œ Take this pudding away, it has no theme.ā€ Churchill

  2. Day 1 of the DNC, Trump was mentioned 147 times.

    All 4 days at the RNC, Biden was mentioned twice.

    They have no policies, just Trump hate.

  3. ā€œ The office Trump seeks might just be one of those black jobs.ā€ Michelle Obama

    The Obamas packed one heck of a one- two punch at the DNC convention last night.

    Two of the best speeches Iā€™ve ever heard.

    Trump features an aging Hulk Hogan at his convention . A guy, who like Donald, made his living as a fake.

    The contrast couldnā€™t be more stark.

    Harris/ Walz packed out two arenas last night.

    Wow- just wow.

    1. The thing you donā€™t get is that the group that Trump gets are who most Americans relate with. You think the average American relates to the snobs like Obamas and Clintons?

      When this months jobs revision is released, thereā€™s going to be egg on the face of Biden and Harris, to the tune of 800,000.

      Harris will get a bump from the convention. Thatā€™s normal. Then, sheā€™ll debate and have her word salad night and cackle through it.

      1. Since you purport to know what’s in the minds and hearts of libs, do you really believe Trump actually cares about you and other cultists, that he actually feels your pain, that he knows the struggles many Americans have endured. My belief? He doesn’t give a shit.

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