Crowd size doesn’t matter

Donald J. Trump keeps crowing — apparently falsely — about the size of the crowds to which he has been speaking.

He calls them “the largest anyone’s ever seen.” His critics, led by Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz, accuse him of (what else?) lying about the size of the crowds.

Allow me for just a brief moment to put the issue into another perspective.

Crowd size doesn’t matter. Size might matter in a lot of different contexts — if you’ll take a moment to ponder them — but not the size of crowds.

When I returned home from the Army in 1970, I got politically active. I guess you could call me a member of the “Vietnam Vets Against the War” in Vietnam. In 1972, we rallied behind a candidate who vowed, if elected POTUS, he would end the war.

Sen. George McGovern spoke to huge crowds all across the land. They were gigantic. They set unofficial records, as I recall.

In Portland, Ore., where I grew up, McGovern held a rally in downtown Portland. Huge crowd, man! Thousands of people gathered. I was one of them.

McGovern got us all fired up. We were ready to kick ass and take names … you know?

You’ll remember what happened on that Election Day. Sen. McGovern lost 49 of 50 states to President Nixon.

This is my way of saying that Donald Trump’s empty boast about big crowds means absolutely nothing …. particularly when he lies about it!

2 thoughts on “Crowd size doesn’t matter”

  1. I don’t disagree. But, why is Harris/Walz lying about their crowd sizes? Several pics have been released showing potential photoshopping. One pic shows a crowd in front of Air Force Two. When you look at the reflection on Air Force Two, there’s no crowd.

    At one of the recent rallies, a YouTuber called as interviewing the crowd asking them why they were there and how they got there. At least 50 people responded with they were paid to be there and they were bused in. The busing in doesn’t bother me. That would make sense to help with parking situations. But, to be paid shows they aren’t necessarily supporting Harris but taking advantage not an opportunity to make some money. Some were saying $50, while others states $100. No idea why a difference.

    On another note, why is Harris stealing Trump’s no tax on tips plan? He’s been talking about that for months.

    1. She isn’t lying about crowd size. As for no tax on tips, big f***ing deal! Why not just agree on a policy matter and call it good? No “theft” occurring there.

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