Trump challenges Harris’s ethnicity? What the … ?

Who in this world of ours does Donald J. Trump think he’s bamboozling?

The Republican presidential nominee today sat before the National Association of Black Journalists and said — and you can’t make this stuff up — that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris only recently identified herself as Black. It was his crass and boorish manner in which he actually questioned whether the vice president of the United States is who she has contended she is for as long as anyone can remember.

What the hell is the matter with this idiot?

Harris is the product of a Black father and an Indian mother. That means she is the first VP of Black and South Asian descent.

Trump’s cowardly attack, of course, drew the expected response from Harris, who in a few days will accept the Democratic nomination for president. She told a rally crowd in Atlanta, “If you’re going to say something about me, say it to my face!”

That was Harris’s way of challenging Trump’s waffling on his pledge to debate the Democratic candidate on Sept. 10. He and his campaign agreed to do so. Now he’s chickening out.

Just as Trump sought to foment the lie in 2008 about Barack Obama’s birthplace, questioning whether the future president was eligible to run for the office, he has launched yet another chickensh** effort to cast aspersions on another rival’s ethnicity.

This individual’s cowardice simply takes my breath away.

4 thoughts on “Trump challenges Harris’s ethnicity? What the … ?”

  1. After a brief exchange of messages a lady recently told me I had ā€œ TDSā€.

    I had to look up what she meant.

    Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    Ha! Iā€™m the one who is deranged? Nucking Futs!

  2. In the scheme of things, she did change from stating she was Indian a few years ago. She even did a show, or something, about Indian Cooking. Technically, she is both.

    This is going to be a testament of the power of the media. She had a polling of less than 6% not to long ago, both democrats and republicans. If itā€™s turned around, thereā€™s no way itā€™s based on her merit. It will be the media flip-flopping and over advertising her. Itā€™s impossible to go from 6% rating to winning a presidential election.

    Weā€™ll see.

  3. 92% turnover rate of her staff. Thatā€™s just in the last 3.5 years. Thatā€™s virtually impossible. How can she run a country when she canā€™t get along with anyone, apparently.

    She had her first chance to answer off the cuff questions last night and instantly went into her word salad routine.

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