21st-century media taking a grip

Time for an admission that I am not too proud to acknowledge … which is that I am becoming quite comfortable with much of his new-fangled communications platforms available to us.

“Texting” remains a thorn in my pie hole, as I still resist using the term in verb form when discussing it. I prefer to state that I “sent someone a text message.” But … that’s just me.

I good while ago, I suspended my self-imposed six-word limit on text messages. Why? Because I acquired two devices, one of which is an I-pad, the other is an Apple MacBook desktop computer.

Both devices contain text messaging apps and a keyboard that enables me to type out messages as I would type, say, an entry on High Plains Blogger.

To be sure, I do not like “conversing” via this platform. My intention in using it is to just inform someone of something, or to make a short, declarative statement about something.

Conversing over the text message platform denies the opportunity to express sarcasm or say something with a needed nuance.

Still, even with the down sides of “texting,” I am finding this communication platform to be of considerable value.

Just don’t ask me to talk about the weather.