By all means, force another debate

Social media chatter not only is annoying, it can be instructive.

Therefore, when I hear on social media that Donald Trump might wiggle/slither/dodge his way out of a second presidential debate, I am urged to shout: Don’t let him off the hook!

The Trump bowing out reports surfaced immediately as President Biden dropped out of the race for re-election and he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

I know what you’re thinking. Trump wants no part of sharing a debate stage with someone as ferocious as Harris … a former prosecutor and ex-state attorney general. Harris already has laid down a stump-speech mantra about “knowing Donald Trump’s type,” given that she has prosecuted rapists, fraudsters and con artists.

I can’t blame Trump for not wanting to expose himself to his opponent’s long knives. Then again, I am a voter who wants the whole world to know about the enormous load of baggage he is carrying into his third straight campaign for the U.S. presidency.

Harris must never let up in the effort to bring Trump to a debate stage in September, as planned already.

I merely am one American patriot who is waiting anxiously to see how this new presidential frontrunner handles the onslaught of lies and smears that are sure to come her way.

10 thoughts on “By all means, force another debate”

  1. Amazing how most liberals were against Harris until she’s now the nominee! What a bunch of hypocrites!

  2. Eight years ago J.D. Vance was a bitter critic of Donald Trump

    Publicly, he called the Republican presidential candidate an “idiot” and said he was “reprehensible.”

    Privately, he compared him to Adolf Hitler.

    Let’s talk about hypocrites Bill!

    Turns out low energy Vance was a DEI pick himself.

    Wonder what all those fellas are doing with their F Biden flags that they used to proudly fly in their pickups?

    Go Kamala!

  3. Vance certainly isn’t a DEI pick. That being said, he wouldn’t have been my first choice, like I have one.

    If Harris wins, it will be fun watching her implode, considering g she can’t talk without cackling the word salad constantly. I’m sure Brown is very happy with his protege.

    1. “ If Kamala wins it will be fun watching her implode.”

      That pretty much says it all.

      I want our President- Republican or Democrat- to lead well and to propose and enact elegant solutions to difficult problems.

      We have no shortage of them right now; inflation, healthcare costs, an aging population, national debt.

      Should I go on?

      Let’s cheer for the home team regardless of who wins.

      1. Ok, I’m sure you’re sincere on that if Trump wins. I know High Plains Blogger will emphatically wait for Trump to fail.

        I hate to sound unsupportive, but Harris has NEVER shown to be a leader. She got into politics by sleeping with a married man, Brown. She refused to prosecute dangerous criminals because of their age, including murderers. Oddly, she prosecuted weed smokers and then bragged about smoking weed listening to Snoop Dogg, which was a lie because of the dates she was in college. She’s been supportive of anti-Israel protestors. She applauded the riots after the Floyd death. She’s the border czar and won’t go to the border.

        What a candidate!

      1. Trump inherited a fortune from his rich Daddy.

        He learned to work the NY press- even the ‘ Best sex I ever had.’ quote, supposedly by Marla Maples, never happened. It was made up by him.

        He became famous for being famous- a front runner to the Kardashians.

        He was invented on ‘The Apprentice’. A scripted reality show.

        His four years as POTUS showed utter chaos and an inability to work with ‘Only the best’ people he was going to hire.

        In the end he hired them for their looks – a form of DEI.

        He fired people on Twitter then berated them.

        He had more turnover amongst his staff members than a poorly run convenience store typically has.

        He incited a mob to storm our Capitol, watched the events unfold, including the crazies wanting to kill his loyal VP Pence, and took hours to call off the dogs.

        Now he vows to pardon all of them.

        He can’t quote a favorite verse in the Bible, yet as the huckster he is, he’s selling ‘ Trump endorsed Bibles’.

        Saint Trump, to many who worship the cult of personality, says he’s going to end the wars on day one, tame inflation, create jobs in the rust belt , make our nation great again.

        Republicans were waving signs that read , ‘ Mass Deportation Now’ at the convention where only three percent of the delegates were people of color.

        His dystopian view of America is dark and sinister and all blame goes to undocumented immigrants, who by the way , typically do most the work legal Americans refuse to do.

        Yeah- what a candidate.

      2. Pretty easy to find. The articles state Brown was separated for a decade but he was still married, he was 60 she was 29. No other reason at that time to date a 31 year older man than to enhance career.

        Since he was still married, it’s an affair.

  4. Harris repeated the claim that former President Donald Trump “intends to cut Social Security and Medicare,” even though he did not attempt to cut either retirement program when he was president, and he has said that he will not cut them in a second term.
    She referred to Project 2025 — a conservative plan for deeply cutting and overhauling the federal government — as Trump’s “extreme Project 2025 agenda.” Trump has disavowed the project, which he described as “seriously extreme.”
    The vice president repeated one of her favorite talking points when she claimed “Donald Trump openly vowed, if reelected, that he will be a dictator on Day 1.” He said he was joking when he said he wouldn’t be a dictator “except for Day 1.”
    Harris left the misleading impression that Trump was to blame for the loss of “tens of thousands” of manufacturing jobs. The U.S. added more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs under Trump — until the economic effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic reversed all those job gains.

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