Unity message: MIA

I tried to listen to Donald Trump’s acceptance speech before the Republican National Convention, but when he kept going on and on with his embellished version of the assassination attempt on his life, I threw in the towel.

Still, I managed to read a good bit of the text of his speech and discovered that he threw out the word “unity” many times, but the message he delivered sounded very much like his two previous GOP acceptance speeches.

He talked about wanting to be president for all Americans, not just the portion of us who cling his words. Fine. Good deal. How will he deliver on that promise? He didn’t say. I reckon he doesn’t know what he would do … if anything!

For many Republican presidential primaries dating back to around the 1976 season, abortion has been top-of-mind stuff for GOP delegates. Not this year. Did you notice the absence of any mention of the practice? I did. It’s because Trump and his cult followers know they are on the wrong side of that issue.

Unity is essential for anyone who wants to govern. It’s no different for Donald Trump. His problem, though, is that he has built his political career on the notion of dividing and conquering.



5 thoughts on “Unity message: MIA”

  1. You’ve repeatedly said to not put words in your mouth or presume what you’re thinking. Yet, you choose to do so with Trump. Amazing! You’re a do as I say not as I do kind of person. You have no idea what Trump is thinking or what’s in his heart, yet you speak for him.

  2. I turned in early enough to see Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan. Never heard of Dana White but I guess he’s a fight promoter like Don King.

    Neil Postman’s book, “ Amusing Ourselves to Death’ quickly came to mind.

    We don’t care for serious policy and nuanced solutions to difficult issues; we simply want to be amused and entertained.

    I listened to Trump speak. His mellow, monotoned delivery, of course ,was for effect.

    His beginning, for a brief moment, seemed authentic.

    He said he wanted to unite the country then, like a ghost being reincarnated, he went into his praise for Hannibal Lecter and called Nancy, ‘Crazy Nancy’.

    By the end he was back to lying about countries opening their mental asylums so the incarcerated could come to the United States. Aye ya ya!

    A wise old Pastor, who had seen many young charlatan Preachers come and go, once told me. “ When a used car salesman becomes a Preacher, the used car side of him will eventually win out.”

    So far it looks like Trump got religion for a day- now he’s back to being a Charlatan.

    God save us.

      1. Glad you’re doing well John

        Those young veterans need you- glad you joined em.

        Saint Julian of Norwich once said- “ All will be well. All will be well. And all manner of things will be well.”

        Our Republic will be fine. Checks and balances!

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