No ‘losers’ or ‘suckers’ here

(AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

Hey, I want to revisit the “suckers and losers” story briefly one more time. It isn’t likely the final time, but I want to make a point.

I come from an extended family of individuals whom Donald Trump reportedly has called suckers and losers because they served in the military.

Let’s see: Dad saw combat in the Navy during World War II. Both of his brothers served in the Army; one of them served in combat during the Korean War, the other served in Germany between Korea and Vietnam. Mom’s two brothers also served; one of them served in the Army Air Force in the Pacific during World War; the other one retired as an Army Reserve colonel.

Three of my brothers-in-law served in the military. Two of them served in the Air Force, the third one served in the Navy during the Vietnam War era.

Four first cousins of mine served in our armed forces. One of them was a Navy fighter pilot; two of them served in the Army, with one of them serving multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan; the fourth served in the Navy intelligence, again during the Vietnam War era.

What’s more, I have one nephew who is currently serving in the Air Force and another nephew who served two Army tours in Iraq before separating from the military.

You know already that I served in the Army in Vietnam.

Where am I going with this? Not a single one of these family members of mine are suckers or losers. They served with honor. Many of them put themselves in harm’s way. I am immensely proud to be kin to all of them.

Donald Trump has truly pissed me off.

One thought on “No ‘losers’ or ‘suckers’ here”

  1. Thank you and yours for your service John.

    I lost a brother in law, Tony Jaramillo, recently to the effects of agent orange. He left my sister a young widow and his four sons are at a big loss.

    He proudly served as a Marine.

    My uncle Frank Postell served several tours in Viet Nam too. Navy..then reenlisted in the Army.

    He too died of agent orange. He was a river rat.

    Thanks to all who have and are serving now.

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