Hoping that Gov. Cuomo might one day seek to become POTUS

Don’t accuse me of getting ahead of myself. I mean, politicians do at times mess up a good thing. Do you recall, say, former U.S. Sen. John Edwards? Well, whatever.

Given the way New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has coped publicly with the coronavirus pandemic that is ravaging his state, I want to declare my desire to see this fellow remain front and center on the political stage for as long as the fire burns in his belly … and for as long as the public can cling to his words of encouragement.

Cuomo comes from solid Democratic Party stock. His father, the late Mario Cuomo, held the governorship in New York as well. He once delivered a stirring Democratic Party nominating convention keynote speech, in 1984, that talked about “two Americas” divided between rich and not-so-rich Americans.

Mario Cuomo once was thought to be presidential material. It wasn’t to be. Then again, he never faced an existential crisis in his state that has galvanized the nation the way his son has been forced to face.

Andrew Cuomo has stood tall among political leaders in telling the nation about the trouble that has befallen his state. It is a microcosm of what is happening around the country. Indeed, the pandemic has felled millions of people around the world.

Gov. Cuomo’s eloquence and his passion have been remarkable and stirring. Cuomo’s eloquence is made even starker when we listen to what comes from the president of the United States. The difference in the quality of the briefings we hear daily from these men is utterly stunning.

He has served the federal government already, having served as housing secretary during the Clinton administration. The man has serious governmental executive chops.

I hope with all I have that this fellow remains a vital part of our political landscape well past the time we can declare victory in this war against the coronavirus.