Who’s to blame for the stock market free fall? Hmm, let’s see …

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is still in free-fall and of course, Donald John Trump wants to weigh in with his notion of who or what is to blame for our retirement funds being flushed away in front of our eyes.

In a series of Twitter messages today, POTUS posits notions that place the blame on the media and on Saudi Arabia and Russia bitching at each other over the price of oil.

The media? Yep. Of course The Donald would blame the media, which he has taken to suggesting is part of the “Deep State” conspiracy aimed at destroying the presidency while he occupies the office.

That, of course — to borrow a phrase from The Donald — is pure “bullsh**.”

Here’s another thought about what might be driving the markets nuts. It well might have something to do with confused messaging from the White House over the Covid-19 outbreak.

Trump’s health team offers dire warnings about a pandemic, they seek to quarantine cruise ship passengers, they warn against international travel, they are sounding alarms left and right.

Meanwhile, the president says it’s overblown, that he has “no worries” about the virus invading Washington, D.C., that the United States is the best prepared nation on Earth to handle the outbreak, even though health organizations tell us we’re still woefully short of testing kits to examine folks for possible contamination.

The World Health Organization places the mortality rate of those infected at 3.4 percent, but Trump says he has a “hunch” that it’s much lower. What a dipsh**!

Hmm. Well … If I am an investor I might be panicking over the confusion, the lack of steady leadership, the ignorant pronouncements coming from the current president.

Will the president own any of this? Pardon me while I bust out laughing in disgust.