Debt deal delays another crisis

As much as I hate the cliché “kick the can down the road,” I am beginning to hear the tinny sound of that can as it’s being given the boot.

President Obama and congressional Republicans may be on the verge of ending the current debt ceiling crisis with a six-week deal that buys them time to, what?, negotiate further on these fiscal matters.

I’m not yet sure what’s going to emerge from all this talking that’s occurring in D.C., but I fear that it’s going to merely delay the onset of the next fiscal crisis.

It’ll occur in about, oh, six weeks when the debt ceiling limit arrives yet again.

These yahoos know what’s at stake. They understand the consequences of failing to meet our nation’s financial obligations. Why are they even negotiating over this?

Congress’s approval rating is less than 10 percent; an NBC-Wall Street Journal poll puts it at 5 percent. Barack Obama’s poll numbers are much better, but they aren’t great; the Associated Press puts him at 37 percent.

There can be no doubt, none at all, about why our “leaders'” standing is in the tank.

It’s that damn can they keep kicking down the road.