Chaos reigns supreme … still!

Jeb Bush might have been a miserable candidate for president of the United States, but the former Republican governor of Florida did say one thing with remarkable prescience.

Donald Trump, he said, would prove to be a “chaotic” president if Americans were to elect him in 2016.

Chaos is the president’s modus operandi. He cannot function in a world where matters run smoothly. “No Drama Obama” has given way to “Nothing Normal Trump.”

The first half of the president’s term is coming to a close. The second half now appears to be an even rockier ride than the first half has been. Are you ready? Me, neither.

Trump keeps vowing to strive for “peace and harmony.” Then he threatened congressional Democrats with “war” if they persist on investigating matters related to “the Russia thing.” He yanked the press pass of a leading CNN White House reporter and then threatens to pull the credentials for other members of the White House press corps if they continue to report what he calls “fake news.”

He fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions because the AG recused himself from the Russia investigation. He appoints the No. 3 guy at DOJ, who happens to be an outspoken and fervent critic of the Russia investigation and of special counsel Robert Mueller. Democrats are in a tizzy over that appointment and they want Matthew Whitaker to recuse himself; he refuses. What’s more, they contend his appointment might be illegal because he hasn’t been confirmed to his previous job at Justice by the U.S. Senate.

Hey, I’ve just peeled a couple of layers off the proverbial onion. There’s been damn near two years of this kind of thing, beginning with that dire inaugural speech that spoke of his pledge to end the “American carnage” along with our international war on terror. The carnage continues and, yep, so does our never-ending war.

How does Donald Trump get through the day? Oh, I forgot! He loves this stuff! He thrives on it! He doesn’t give a damn about normal rules of behavior. Trump is intent on doing everything his own way, decorum be damned!

Just think, we have two more years of it. Can we last that long?