Do you remember past Trump absurdities?

It occurs to me as the nation wallows in this latest Donald J. Trump immersion that we’ve all but stopped talking about some of the president’s previous absurd assertions.

For example:

* Do you recall how the president accused his predecessor, Barack H. Obama, of wiretapping his campaign offices in New York City’s Trump Tower? Trump produced no evidence of it but in the process essentially defamed President Obama.

* How about the allegation that “millions of illegal aliens” voted for Hillary Rodham Clinton, giving her the nearly 3 million popular vote margin over Trump? Again, this clownish president never offered a hint of proof for the allegation. He also managed to defame the reputations of local elections officials who work diligently to protect the integrity of our electoral process.

* Then there was the interview Trump gave to former Fox News talk-show host Bill O’Reilly, who questioned why the president was so kind to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “He’s a killer,” O’Reilly said, to which Trump responded, “There are a lot of killers. Do you think the United States is so innocent?”

These previous controversies have been buried now the latest avalanche dealing with Trump’s firing of James Comey as head of the FBI. We have the possibility of obstruction of justice. There are the many contradictory statements and the chaos that has erupted in the West Wing of the White House.

Our attention span is getting tested terribly by this guy, the president of the United States.

My head is spinning.