Let me try to figure this out.
Donald J. Trump gets elected president and then launchesĀ a war of words with Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto over whether Mexico will pay for construction of “the wall” between our two countries.
Then this week the president announces plan to impose a 20-percent import tariff on lumber coming from Canada, which shares an even longer border with the United States.
Oh, and today we get word that the Trump administration is considering a wholesale withdrawal from the North American Free Trade Agreement, which would bust up one of the largest trade agreements in world history.
Yes, the president is trying to put “America first,” but at what cost?
NAFTA has been demonized wrongly as a job killer. It’s been no such thing. It has sought to open up trade lanes among these three giant North American neighbors, allowing a freer flow of goods in and out of the United States to two of our strongest allies.
Automation has been the No 1 job killer in this country. No trade war, or blustering about putting America first, or any chest-thumping on the world stage is going to reverse the automationĀ trend that has occurred in industrialized nations around the world.
For the life of meĀ I cannot figure the president out.
He calls China a “currency manipulator” and then backs totally away from that assertion, looking for China’s help in stopping North Korea’s march toward becoming a nuclear power. Trump has yet to condemn Russia fully for meddling in our 2016 presidential election, although he has sounded a bit angrier about Russian involvement in the Syrian civil war. He scolds Australia’s prime minister over the phone and then hangs up on him. Trump declines to shake hands with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a White House photo op.
He’s now launching trade wars against two of our largest trading partners.
Someone … pass the Pepto. Please.
One of my Facebook friends was an actual friend at Sand Lake Elementary and Mears Jr. High. He has a “public life” of sorts through social media and a couple blogs – an extension of his 25-year paid job as political cartoonist for the Anchorage Daily News.
Anyway he has just released for sale a “White House of Ca_ds” – see this blog post:
“No More Pussy Gra… er… Pussyfooting, the Trumpworld Card Deck is available Now”
Blog Home Page here – 95% cartoons:
Shameless plug – they are available for $16 plus shipping here:
I suggest you go to the Frozen Grin page – if only for a chuckle.
(I think they are brilliant caricatures)