Biden pardons son … yawn!

Joe Biden said he wouldn’t pardon his son Hunter on a federal conviction related to an illegal purchase of a firearm.

Then the president had second thoughts and issued the pardon. I know what some of you must be thinking. How dare the president renege on his promise. The son needs to do time!

My thought? So … what!

Hunter Biden likely wouldn’t go to the slammer for a piss ante conviction that was brought for political reasons in the first place. He lied about his drug addiction when purchasing a gun; it’s a crime and a jury convicted him of it.

His father vowed he wouldn’t issue a pardon for his son. Then a lot of things changed for Daddy Biden. He dropped out of the 2024 presidential campaign, making him a lame duck the moment he pulled out. Vice President Kamala Harris’s loss on Nov. 5 sealed the end of Joe Biden’s influence on national policy.

So, he pardoned his son. Big fu***** deal, man!

The pardon will give conservative talking heads some chatter grist for a while, then it will fade away … just like Joe Biden and his family.

The president served the nation with distinction for more than 50 years. This act of compassion for a son he loves beyond measure speaks only to his devotion as a father and family man.

6 thoughts on “Biden pardons son … yawn!”

  1. The way the pardon was written it protects him more than his son. This shows the corruption Joe Biden has been involved in. He wrote so it pardoned Hunter on all things prior and not yet brought up. The only reason he did this was for his own protection. Everyone knows Hunter did shady deals and Joe Biden was the recipient of those deals. Thereā€™s was to much evidence showing it. Since the current DOJ wonā€™t do anything to hurt Joe heā€™s been safe. With the unknown of a new refreshed DOJ, he had to pardon Hunter to protect his own ass.

    1. And so … Joe Biden pulled the trigger on the gun that killed JFK? C’mon. “Everyone knows” that the MAGA cultists will seek anything at all to hang on the president. If the POTUS was up to his pits in “shady deals,” where have the prosecutors been hiding? Joe Biden is a lame duck and will be gone from the scene on Jan. 20. This pardon amounts to not a damn thing!

      1. The prosecutors have been hiding behind Joe Biden. He allowed his son to be prosecuted knowing he would pardon him. He did this so it would appear to be a law fare going after Trump. That failed. Everyone, except you and other leftists, saw right through it.

        Youā€™ll never admit it. That would be admitting Biden isnā€™t the saint leftists want to portray.

        I know two people that have known Biden for 50 years. They both say heā€™s corrupt as hell. One is a Democrat, hard core.

        1. If Biden is as crooked as you say, then prosecutors working for GOP prez’s over the years would have smoked him out, arrested him and sent him to the slammer. They didn’t. How come? Could it be there was no “there, there”? Remember, this guy has been on the national stage since 1973. Fifty-one years! No charges filed. Knock it off, man. You’re pissing into the wind.

  2. The left during election cycle: ā€œNO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAWā€. Biden: ā€œhold my beer!ā€

  3. Well, we definitely know the DOJ is corrupt now. Trumpā€™s been saying it for a few years and now Biden said the DOJ went after Hunter for political reasons. They must be corrupt. Itā€™s a good thing Trump plans to revamp the entire DOJ. It needs it.

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