President Barack Obama has given us all a lesson on how you treat political protesters.
Watch the video and you see the president of the United States — speaking at a rally on behalf of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton — defend a gentleman who was waving a Donald J. Trump banner.
The crowd booed. It jeered the fellow. The president sought to get the audience’s attention.
Then he said, “We live in a country that honors free speech.”
The video is worth your time. It’s not long.
Once you watch it, think for a moment how Trump has handled similar incidents in which protesters raised a ruckus at his rallies. I believe he said he wished his fans would “knock the crap” out of protesters. He also said something about paying the “legal fees” for anyone sued if they reacted violently to protests.
You’ve got someone who understands the Constitution.
You also have someone who, well, doesn’t seem to understand the liberties the nation’s governing document guarantees to all citizens.