Rudy Guiliani used to be known as “America’s mayor,” a title he earned by his stellar performance as mayor of New York City as it coped with the hideous 9/11 terror attacks.
He’s now in danger of being considered “America’s goofball.”
His (former) honor is peddling pure crap as it regards Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He has said she is ill. He doesn’t have an iota of hard evidence. He just says it.
When asked on Fox News about his contention, Guiliani then offered the most nonsensical rebuttal of all time. “Go online,” he said, referring to the Internet.
That’s it! If it’s on the Internet, he said, then it must be true.
My head nearly exploded when I heard that.
He’s parroting the line, the strategy being employed by Republican nominee Donald J. Trump.
This campaign veered toward the gutter long ago. Trump has been at the wheel of the GOP clown car ever since he declared his candidacy for the presidential nomination. Now that he has been nominated, he keeps gripping the clown car wheel and keep riding it into the same ol’ gutter.
There are those of us out here who are struggling with these campaign choices. Clinton is far from an ideal candidate. She’s got some serious hurdles to clear herself. They deal with trust and whether she would be totally truthful when talking to Americans about serious policy matters.
None of the concerns about Clinton, to my mind, has a thing to do with her physical health.
She is sharp, engaged, well-informed, articulate.
Donald Trump is none of those things.
Rudy Guiliani knows it, too.