Rest in peace, Walter

A memorial service today made me sad and happy at the same time.

The service — at Polk Street Methodist Church — honored the memory of Walter Johnson, who I knew as a fellow member of the Rotary Club of Amarillo. He was, as Jon Mark Beilue noted in his blog today, larger than life.

It is hard to stifle a smile when thinking about Walter. He had a unique way of communicating — usually via e-mail. I will not attempt to mimic his style here. Suffice to say that, by definition of the term “unique,” Walter’s way of method of communication cannot be replicated.

Walter had whipped the cancer that nearly felled him. Then, just three days after Christmas, he suffered a massive heart attack — and died.

Thus, I am saddened.

Walter’s memorial service was full of humor and good tidings, which is so like Walter. He always — always — had a good word for those he met. And he didn’t need to know someone to extend a heartfelt greeting. That’s how he lived. That’s also how he was remembered today.

Indeed, that’s how he always will be remembered by those of us who loved him.

God bless his joyous spirit.