Welcome back, Rush

I’m glad Rush Limbaugh is recovering nicely from whatever ailed him while he was vacationing in Hawaii. The country needs him.

Why? One reason — other than the obvious, that I don’t wish him harm — is that we all should hear his skewed view of the world to remind us of how life really is for those who aren’t as privileged as he has become by virtue of his big mouth.

Daddy Dittohead proclaimed the other day that because of the health care he received in Hawaii that there is nothing wrong with the nation’s health care system. We have no need to reform it, he said.

So, there you have it: wisdom from a gazillionaire who can afford to pay for first-cabin health care, unlike, oh, 40-plus million uninsured Americans who don’t have access to anything approaching the health care available to the likes of Rush Limbaugh.

Yes, there is plenty wrong with the health care legislation being considered now by Congress. It’s too costly; I’m dubious of the requirement for all Americans to have health insurance; I’m suspicious of any program that requires more government participation, given that the feds manage to make hash out of just about everything they touch.

But we don’t need to take seriously any proclamation from Rush Limbaugh about the state of health care in the nation. It needs repair.

Limbaugh needs to go back to commenting on matters about which he knows something — although I’m unsure what that would be.