Life-changing project has begun


This is the latest in an occasional series of blog posts commenting on upcoming retirement.

It has begun.

The “it” is the beginning of a project that will result in a significant change in the lives of my wife and me.

It’s not an event that will occur in the immediate term. Or even the medium-length term. It’s more of a longer-term project. I hesitate to tell you today how long it will take, because I don’t want to get pinned down by watchdogs out there who read these musings with regularity.

I’ve made no secret to family and friends of our desire to make a big move to be near our now 3-year-old granddaughter, Emma, her parents and her brothers. Yes, that’s our little pumpkin in the picture that accompanies this blog post.

One huge project that stands between us today and that event is the condition of the home we had built in Amarillo in late 1996. The yard — particularly the back yard — needs attention. It’s not officially in what I would describe as “grotesque” condition. It just needs work.

Well, today, that project began. It’s going to take some time to complete. We’ll take care of some inside needs, too.

I’ve decided to start working on the outside. I’m digging up turf and will re-sod portions of the back yard — eventually.

It’s not that we have a lot of turf to dig up. It’s just that the grass has been in the ground for some time. The ground is pretty dry these days. I’ll water it some to soften it up for my shovel. But the wind dries everything out around here in a big-league hurry.

My wife reminds me that I’m not “as young as I used to be.” Funny, eh? No one is as young as they used to be. I get her point. I intend to be systematic and patient with this re-sodding project.

As I noted, we aren’t planning anything any time soon.

But we’ll get there soon enough …

Grandparents who read this blog surely will empathize with what’s in our hearts.