They are ‘evangelical hypocrites’

For those among us who continue to proclaim their fealty to the Bible while condemning their neighbors in the context of a heated political campaign, allow me this brief reminder.

The New Testament places no qualifier on whom we should love. It doesn’t tell us to embrace only those who look like us. It doesn’t say to feed only our political allies. It makes no qualifying statement on who deserves our grace.

So, when you hear the garbage being spewed by those who purport to be “evangelical Christians” while they heap all those caveats on who Jesus Christ instructs them to receive their care, please understand that these are religious perverts. They have twisted the words inscribed centuries ago to fit a political narrative that has zero place in understanding the tenets of faith.

They are not “evangelical Christians.” They instead are evangelical hypocrites lurking among those of us who understand –and honor — the messages contained within our holy book.

2 thoughts on “They are ‘evangelical hypocrites’”

  1. Do you by chance have examples of who you’re talking about? I think I can agree with much of what you’ve said here but without knowing who or what you’re referring to makes it hard to see if that’s a fair critique you’re making

  2. I don’t see very many of us actually living the commandments given by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

    Very few love the Lord with all their hearts, minds and souls and love their neighbors as themselves.

    We are ALL hypocrites to some degree or another. The difference is some folks know how far they are from living the gospel; others , blinded by pride, believe they actually are.

    The Saints knew themselves and the holier they became ( deification) the more aware they were of their sinfulness and deep need of God’s mercy.

    Let’s not point out political groups for hypocrisy- we all have logs in our eyes and tend to confirmation bias and excusing our preferred candidates while castigating the other side.

    Lord have mercy.

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