Home rule panel slogs on

Princeton’s home-rule charter committee is moving forward on drafting a document that it hopes will be ready for the city’s voters to decide this coming November.

I am hearing a bit of chatter that the city’s effort to craft a governing document that enables the city to govern itself might not pass voters’ muster when they cast their ballots. I do hope that chatter is wrong.

The basis for that chatter comes from the city’s misstep in setting up the committee. Voters gave the city permission to create a charter committee this past November. It didn’t have enough members. The city then disbanded the committee and formed a new one. The process delayed the municipal vote, which now is tentatively set for this fall.

I am going to bank on the notion put forth by Mayor Brianna Chacon, who told me that the city’s burgeoning population has brought in a fresh new set of opinions on this issue. It will need those outlooks to reverse four previous citywide rejections of previous charter proposals.

The dealbreaker in those elections was the annexation. The 2017 Texas Legislature took that issue off the table by enacting a law that requires cities to obtain property owners’ permission to annex their property. Thus, that argument is no longer valid.

I am going to hope that Princeton is able to enact a city charter so it becomes a home-rule city instead of a general law city that is governed by rules established by state statutes.

Indeed, the city’s population has exploded. Princeton now is home to an estimated 20,000-plus residents. That number is growing each day. I see it happening in my neighborhood, where houses are spring up like prairie weeds.

There is no end in sight.

I wish the home-rule panel as it slogs its way through the process of drafting a document that will enable Princeton, Texas, to set its own rules for how it governs itself.


Putin is a war criminal!

Vladimir Putin is a war criminal who needs to be arrested, shackled and sent to jail where he would await trial before an international court that will decide whether he has committed crimes against humanity.

The Russian tyrant has ordered bombs, artillery shells and rockets to destroy hospitals in Ukraine. His orders have resulted in the deaths of children, expectant mothers and countless other civilians. Putin has committed “the original war crime” specified by the Geneva Convention of 1864, according to “60 Minutes” correspondent Scott Pelley.

Can there be any more reason, therefore, to arrest Vladimir Putin and charge him with the most heinous crime imaginable? I think not!

Ukrainian fighting forces have beaten back the Russian invaders, forcing them to abandon their strategic goal of capturing Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine. The Russians are retreating at this moment toward the east, possibly to reassemble and seek other targets to attack.

Putin’s attack on Ukraine was thought when it began to focus on military targets. Wow! Many of us were dead wrong about that assumption. The videos we see of the carnage throughout Ukraine are shocking and horrifying in the extreme.

The outrage around the world is mounting as these images make their way into people’s homes.


That said, allow me this brief segue toward the thoughts expressed by the current U.S. president and his predecessors. Five living former presidents have been watching these crimes unfold along with the rest of the world. Four of them have condemned Putin’s actions with passion and righteous anger. The most recent former president — you know to whom I refer — has talked of Putin’s “genius” and how “savvy” he was to attack Ukraine; moreover, he has asked Putin to dig up dirt on President Biden in the midst of this bloody war.

Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. He must be held accountable for his unspeakable cruelty.


Putin: war criminal?

This would be an incredibly difficult case to prove in an international court of law, but there could be evidence mounting that Russian thug/tyrant/despot Vladimir Putin has committed war crimes in his so-far-unsuccessful effort to subjugate Ukraine under the alleged might of his armed forces.

Russian troops are withdrawing from previously held territory in Ukraine and are leaving behind mass graves with the corpses of hundreds of civilians killed shot to death with single bullets in the back of their heads. They appear to have been executed by the Russian invaders.

Then comes the question: Were they acting on orders from the Kremlin?

Accordingly, I suppose one could ask whether there could be rogue commanders in the field acting on their own. Whatever the case, it all — or most of it, at least — falls on the lap of the former KGB spy master who now runs Russia as its commander in chief.

The despicable level of violence is being revealed now as Russian forces pull back from Kyiv and other key Ukrainian cities. Whether they merely are repositioning themselves for a new round of attacks remains to be determined. Whatever the intent, it is clear the Ukrainians are waging one hell of a fight against a force believed at the beginning of this conflict to be so powerful that it would steamroll its way into Kyiv.

They ain’t steamrolling anything.

The Russians, though, appear to have engaged in egregious crimes against humanity. Someone at the top of the Russian chain of command needs to be held accountable.

Let’s see. I believe that would be Vladimir Putin.


Cakewalk becomes struggle

Russia’s expected breezy stroll into Kyiv — Ukraine’s capital city — has run into something, well, that looks more like a mortal struggle, a fight to the death.

The fight has taken its toll on Russians as well as Ukrainians, so much so that media are now reporting a possible draft peace treaty might be in the works as Ukraine struggles to fend off the invaders from Russia.

It is impossible to predict whether this so-called “draft treaty” will end up with signatures from the warring sides and that the fighting will cease. Or that there ever will be any semblance of stability in a region dominated by the thug who runs the Russian government, Vladimir Putin.

My cheap-seat perch in North Texas only allows me to speculate that (a) the Russians are not dedicated to the mission they were sent to complete, (b) the Kremlin misjudged Ukraine’s resolve to defend itself, (c) the Russians’ command and control is a collection of incompetent boobs who cannot find their rear ends with both hands.

It is a strange feeling that overwhelms me as I actually find myself rooting for the Ukrainians to defeat the Russians on the battlefield. I realize fully that the Russians aren’t likely to wave a white flag of surrender and then allow Ukraine to declare victory on the field of battle. The war won’t end that way.

It well might end the way the media are reporting, that both sides might be able to negotiate a settlement. Ukraine might be persuaded to declare its neutrality vis a vis Russia and the Russians might be persuaded to end its assault on helpless civilians in an effort to subdue Ukraine.

My prayers are flowing. They are continuous. I want the Russians to continue to struggle for as long as this conflict drags on and, yes, I will continue to root for Ukraine.


Trump has gone bonkers!

Donald J. Trump is out of his godforsaken mind! He is certifiably crazy as a loon, nuttier than a Snickers bar.

While his buddy Vladimir Putin is in the middle of trying to conquer a sovereign nation, Ukraine, Trump has decided he wants Vlad to dig up dirt on President Biden and his son, Hunter. Yes, while Putin is counting the number of dead and wounded Russian soldiers coming home from the battlefield, The Donald believes Putin can take time away from the ass-kicking his forces are getting to find something on which to hang the president, the guy who defeated him in the 2020 election.

I don’t quite know how to react to this revelation, other than to scream (if that’s the correct verb, given that I am writing these words from my keyboard at home) about what a moron the ex-POTUS is showing himself to be.

I just came home from the grocery store, where I noticed a customer wearing a “Trump 2024” shirt. When I see that sort of apparel on folks I have to resist the notion to ask them: Do you really want this guy back in the White House, the same idiot who blathered recently about painting U.S. jets with China’s insignia so the Russians can say “China did it” after our jets bomb the (expletive) out of Russian targets?

Yes. He does … I guess. Which tells me a whole lot about the ignoramuses who continue to show support for an ex-POTUS who well could be indicted for criminal activity.

They’re as nuts as The Donald!


SPR stands by as a weapon

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve came into being at a time when the United States was being held hostage to the whims of oil-producing nations that sought to deprive this country of the fossil fuels it needs to function as the world’s most advanced nation.

We dug huge caverns and filled them with petroleum to hold in case we faced existential threats.

Well, we are facing them now with Russia going to war with Ukraine and with the price of energy skyrocketing to levels never before seen. President Biden has announced a plan to release 1 million barrels of oil each day into the marketplace for the next six months to help Americans fight the rising cost of energy.

I believe the time is right for such a move, even though in the past I have been skeptical of plans to use the SPR as an inflation-fighting weapon.

Those of us depend on fossil fuels to power our vehicles are feeling an incredible squeeze on household budgets. Will the SPR release make a huge difference? Probably not immediately. My own sense always has been with energy price spikes is that fuel prices zoom upward only to creep ever-so-slowly back down. Oil companies seek to boost profits quickly and are reluctant to let go of them even after they rake in the cash caused by the excessive costs they pass on to customers.

The Russians do produce a lot of oil. That supply is being jeopardized by the U.S.-led economic sanctions enacted after Russia invaded Ukraine. Thus, if we have the Strategic Petroleum Reserve standing by to use in case of emergency, then by all means we ought to use it.

To that end, President Biden is seeking to deploy a powerful weapon at his disposal.


Liberals get pounded, too

A fellow named Dean Karanyanis has written an essay for the conservative newspaper Washington Times in which he says something so preposterous in his opening paragraph that I must respond and refute its assumption.

He writes: There used to be a rule in Washington that families are off-limits, but our media referees only throw flags on one team. So as Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, finds herself at the heart of a manufactured firestorm over leaked text messages, it’s worth asking why the party that demands civility feels free to savage her for having strong opinions.

I presume he suggests that only family members of conservative public figures are open to the kind of scrutiny being leveled at Ginni Thomas. What a pile of horse dookey!

Hmm. Let’s see. We have Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of FDR, the Democrat who led the nation during World War II; she was pilloried continuously during the time she served as first lady. Amy Carter, daughter of the President Jimmy Carter, who was a teenager when she lived in the White House; the right wing took great joy in pillorying her for whatever the hell she did while her dad led the Free World.

You want more? We have Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry; right-winger suggested she was somehow the corrupt wife of a politician who married only because she was an heiress to a condiment empire. Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of President Clinton; enough said there. Michelle Obama, wife of President Obama; let’s throw in the Obamas’ daughters, too, as they were targets of prying media inquiries.

I need to mention Presidents Kennedy and Johnson and take particular note of what the media did to sully the reputations of their wives. Jackie Kennedy was seen as aloof and aristocratic; Lady Bird Johnson was known — in addition to her national beautification efforts — for her business acumen that came from her ownership of Central Texas media outlets.


I believe we need to cease this notion that only the spouses and kids of conservatives become targets of those who work in the so-called “liberal, mainstream, Deep State media.”

The media don’t play nearly the favorites that their critics allege.


GOP senators sought Fox air time

Leave it to the senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee to seemingly own up to the truth about his GOP colleagues’ questioning of Ketanji Brown Jackson during her confirmation hearing on her nomination to join the U.S. Supreme Court.

Ranking Republican Chuck Grassley of Iowa all but admitted to a constituent that the GOP line of questioning was intended mainly to put the senators’ faces and voices on the Fox News Channel.

Do you think, Sen. Grassley?

A woman on TikTok told Grassley that was her opinion, that Sens. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton and Marsha Blackburn were seeking face time on Fox. “I don’t dispute that,” Grassley responded.

Well … what’s done is done. The senators got their wish.

However, many millions of Americans — such as yours truly — came away from the hearing thinking far better of Judge Jackson for the poise and stamina she exhibited and far less of the senators who exposed their ignorance and boorishness.


GOP concocts reasons to oppose SCOTUS pick

Dang, I hate to say “I told you so” … but I told you Senate Republicans were going to make up reasons to oppose the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

The latest made-up reason comes from GOP U.S. Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, who said he opposes Judge Jackson because of her position on “court packing,” a move progressives favor to expand the Supreme Court from nine members to 13 or 15.

For the record, I don’t favor court-packing, either. So there. I have cleared the air on that matter.

Still, a Supreme Court justice has no say on the composition of the court. That matter is decided by Congress. Justices don’t vote on it. It’s a purely legislative matter. So, why does Sen. Burr oppose Judge Jackson ascending to the nation’s highest court? Beats the devil out of me, except that he’s a Republican senator and the man who nominated Jackson to the SCOTUS, President Biden, is a Democrat.

That’s it! Or so it seems!

Judge Jackson is “well qualified,” according to the American Bar Association, which also gave its highest rating to Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, all of whom received Burr’s endorsement. Oh, wait! A Republican president, a guy named Trump, nominated them.

The good news? Judge Jackson is a heavy favorite to be confirmed by the Senate.

The phony reasons for opposing her … be damned!


Retirement journey finds new path

The retirement journey on which my wife and I have been traveling today took a needed, but still curious, turn. We downsized in a fairly significant way, vacating our 29-foot fifth wheel RV and obtaining a 21-foot travel trailer.

We are relearning some tricks on how to travel with decidedly less space than we had before. It’s all good.

We purchased our fifth wheel in 2018 when it was new. It was the second such vehicle we owned; our first fifth wheel didn’t serve us well as it kept breaking. The second vehicle is a gem, but it had begun wearing out.

Why wouldn’t it? We took it to both coasts. To the Great Lakes. Through the western half of Canada. We have visited about 30 state parks in Texas. We put a whole lot of miles on it.

It was time to bid so long to our fifth wheel.

Today we took possession of our travel trailer. We hook it up to the rear bumper of our pickup. It will take a bit of adjustment to learn how to pull it. However, the years of experience we racked up with our previous RVs prepared us for the change that awaits.

We have no qualms about this new stage of our retirement journey.

The road remains wide open. We intend to explore as much of it as we can.
