Trump has gone bonkers!

Donald J. Trump is out of his godforsaken mind! He is certifiably crazy as a loon, nuttier than a Snickers bar.

While his buddy Vladimir Putin is in the middle of trying to conquer a sovereign nation, Ukraine, Trump has decided he wants Vlad to dig up dirt on President Biden and his son, Hunter. Yes, while Putin is counting the number of dead and wounded Russian soldiers coming home from the battlefield, The Donald believes Putin can take time away from the ass-kicking his forces are getting to find something on which to hang the president, the guy who defeated him in the 2020 election.

I don’t quite know how to react to this revelation, other than to scream (if that’s the correct verb, given that I am writing these words from my keyboard at home) about what a moron the ex-POTUS is showing himself to be.

I just came home from the grocery store, where I noticed a customer wearing a “Trump 2024” shirt. When I see that sort of apparel on folks I have to resist the notion to ask them: Do you really want this guy back in the White House, the same idiot who blathered recently about painting U.S. jets with China’s insignia so the Russians can say “China did it” after our jets bomb the (expletive) out of Russian targets?

Yes. He does … I guess. Which tells me a whole lot about the ignoramuses who continue to show support for an ex-POTUS who well could be indicted for criminal activity.

They’re as nuts as The Donald!