Tag Archives: Virginia Beach Police Department

Chief is spot on in his refusal to ID the killer

Virginia Beach, Va., Police Chief James Cervera and I are on virtually the same page in one respect relating to the tragedy that erupted Friday in his city.

The chief will refuse to refer to a lunatic killer by name. Yes, he has vowed to do so only one time. After that initial identification, Chief Cervera said he will refer to the individual as “the suspect,” who is responsible for the deaths of 12 innocent victims and the injuring of six others.

I have followed that doctrine for some time on this blog. I refuse to identify the individuals who commit these acts of insanity against human beings. Hell, I have difficulty writing the words “fellow human beings,” because that suggests the killers have a semblance of humanity. They do not.

Yes, this blog has identified some of history’s most notorious killers by name; individuals such as Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray come to mind. Their victims were public figures known around the world.

As for other mass murderers, such as the guy who blew up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in April 1995, he joined the ranks of infamous monsters long before I started writing this blog. So, yes, I have ID’d that individual as well over the years.

The monsters who do things such as open fire on municipal employees at a government complex in a coastal Virginia city, though, are simply seeking their 15 seconds of fame. I won’t contribute to that demented desire here.

With that, I want to salute the Virginia Beach chief of police for relegating the gun-toting moron to the world of anonymity.

As the chief said, the focus now should be on honoring the victims, helping the wounded among them heal and lend love and comfort to the loved ones of those who were lost.