Tag Archives: reopen the country

Oh, the hypocrisy!

I just watched a video depicting a fellow named Frank Schaeffer, who describes himself as a formerly religious individual who has become a “progressive.”

He excoriates the militia who stormed the Michigan state capitol, demanding that Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer reopen the state she had closed to fight the coronavirus. He also blasts Donald Trump for demanding that Whitmer meet with the armed militia, who he describes as criminals and thugs, to discuss their demands.

Schaeffer asks a perfectly pertinent question. If it’s good for Gov. Whitmer to meet with armed militia, why not allow them to storm the White House and meet with the president?

Schaeffer also noted that the White House is guarded by Secret Service sharpshooters who would shoot to kill anyone who walked onto the White House grounds.

Indeed, this individual — Frank Schaeffer — has posed a perfectly legitimate question. The armed militia festooned with swastikas and Confederate flags have no business presenting themselves in such a threatening manner to state government officials. What’s more, the president of the United States shouldn’t be enabling them to continue this outrageous behavior by suggesting they meet with an elected official.


Check it out. It’s worth your time.