Tag Archives: Habitat for Humaniy

Carters’ work thrives

I cannot help but think of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter whenever I drive past a short street in Princeton, Texas.

It is a street where crews are building the second in a series of houses for Habitat for Humanity, a program promoted vigorously by the former 39th president of the United States and his late wife.

President Carter is about to turn 100. He’s already lived far longer than any man who served as president. He said recently he wants to live enough to cast his next presidential vote for Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for the nation’s highest office.

This blog post, though, is about the legacy that President Carter will leave for many worthy families across the nation and to the nation itself. Other houses will go up eventually on Harrelson Street and they will be occupied by families that qualify for receiving the gift of home ownership.

If only he was well enough to travel to North Texas to see the work being done for Habitat for Humanity and, in an important way, on behalf of the project for which the Carters were fierce advocates.