Tag Archives: Dittohead

Daddy Dittohead is still dead

CAIRO, Ill. – I am staying in the neighborhood of one of this country’s most despicable political commentators. Fortunately, he no longer is poisoning our airwaves with his venomous rhetoric.

The reference is to the late Rush Limbaugh, who I presume is buried in Cape Girardeau, Mo. He died some years back of cancer. The disease silenced his foul mouth but sadly his notions remain in the hearts and minds of the Limbaugh Dittoheads who used to hang on this individual’s words.

I had heard that Limbaugh could be a marvelous dinner companion. The critique of the archconservative talker’s social graces came from some of his liberal friends in the media. They liked the guy … even as they were able to criticize his rants regularly.

My latest post-Kathy Anne’s passing journey now has me en route home to North Texas. It has been a marvelous two weeks on the road. Toby the Puppy and I were able to see a beloved family member near Fort Bragg, N.C., and dear friends in Roanoke, Va., and Charleston, W. Va. We visited some fabulous exhibits and cast our gaze on magnificent countryside.

I found a hotel in Cairo, thinking it offered me a good break from the road. And it did.

Then I spotted its location on a map and learned that it is right next to Cape Girardeau. I shall stipulate that I don’t hold the nice folks in this region accountable for the trash that came from Daddy Dittohead.

However, full disclosure requires me to admit that I considered finding Limbaugh’s grave and then desecrating it in some fashion. I did not and I will do no such thing.

I am content just to trash his memory on this blog.
