Tag Archives: Denali

Idiot in chief now goes after Denali?

The nation’s idiot in chief, Donald John Trump, reportedly is demonstrating even more his loathing of his immediate predecessor.

For the life of me I cannot grasp this clown’s anti-Barack Obama fetish.

The former president signed an executive order that changed the name of Mount McKinley to Denali. The latter name is the ancient name used by indigenous people in Alaska.

It’s being reported that the current president some months ago asked Alaska’s two Republican senators, Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, whether he should reverse President Obama’s executive order. The senators reportedly said “no.”

This is the kind of ridiculous game-playing that the president seems to enjoy. He monkeys around with threats to repeal this and/or that Obama executive order.

What’s Trump up to?

I am in no position to predict what Trump will do as it regards Denali. The majestic peak’s former name honored the memory of the late President William McKinley, who was murdered in 1901. McKinley hailed from Ohio, which Trump won in the 2016 presidential election.

Is it just me or is Trump listening to the howls from a state he carried? Is the president truly considering an action merely on that basis?

Ohio pols take great interest in Alaska’s business

Denali National Park

Technically, I suppose, Ohio Republican politicians have a smidgen of vested interest in the renaming of North America’s highest peak.

Mount McKinley has been renamed Denali. The former name honored the late president, William McKinley, who — as luck would have it — hailed from Ohio. The new name is a native Alaska name used by the residents of the nation’s 49th state.

President Obama’s formal renaming changes the name of the peak on a federal registry of geographic locations. Therefore, I guess, it becomes a federal issue. Ohio politicians say they’re insulted by the renaming of the peak and want to take action in Congress to reverse the order.

Good grief, folks. Get a grip.

Alaska’s congressional delegation is all for the name change. And they’re all Republicans, too.

They’re the ones who look at Denali when they’re home. Sure enough, their constituents, get to ogle the 20,320-foot peak all the time.

Alaskans generally are agreeing with the name change.

So, what’s the deal with these Ohioans sticking their noses into something that — as a practical matter — is none of their damn business.

Butt out!

Now it’s a mountain name that brings criticism


You almost could have predicted this would happen.

President Obama decided to rename Mount McKinley, which had been named in honor of a Republican president, William McKinley. The tallest peak in North America now is called Denali, which is a native Alaskan term.

But here it comes: Ohio Republicans are angry at the mountain renaming. They think it’s a slight to a GOP president who, by the way, never set foot in Alaska, let alone climb the peak.

Ohio GOP up in arms

House Speaker John Boehner, who hails from Ohio, says the president shouldn’t have acted unilaterally. Other lawmakers from Ohio say they’ll try to block the name change legislatively.

Oh yes. Then there’s Donald Trump, the GOP front runner for the party’s presidential nomination, who says if elected president he’ll undo Obama’s decision.

Alaska’s Republicans, though, are in favor of the name change. The state’s senior U.S. senator, Lisa Murkowski, its House member, Don Young, and its junior senator, Dan Sullivan, vow to block any effort to reverse the decision.

Alaska has been calling the peak Denali since 1975. The president’s action changes it in the federal registry of geographic names.

Oh, but it’s now a slap in the face to a former president who happened to hail from Ohio and that it detracts from his legacy.

Good grief. Can we call a halt to this partisan bickering over an issue that makes not a bit of difference, except perhaps to the native Alaskans who can recite the grand peak’s new name with their own sense of pride?

What in the world is wrong with that?